Review website


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Hello, is a new web site. Please give your opinion on graphics and other things of the site.
Very nice

I think the site looks very professional which is a big plus especially since you appear to be targeting offline businesses and institutions. The link mentioning Harvard connections definitely adds some clout to the site, indirectly. Navigation seems easy and smooth. Pages loaded very quickly for me and I'm on dial-up so that's saying something.

Nice job.
I think your clients' websites are more interesting that your own. A design studio, in my mind, should be able to stand out with originality. Unfortunately, I don't see any originality in the look of your site. Yes, it is clean and to-the-point, but it resembles one of those free templates you can find anywhere on the web.
The site's got an old fashioned look to it. That doesn't mean it's bad, but these days, sites tend to have more color and more "air".
I am going to agree with rob, and art. Maybe try to add in some nifty graphics or some eye catching things to draw in the visitors attention. Maybe add some flash to the portfolio page.

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