************ review

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New member
I find this webhosting reseller whm-host .
They have good reseller packages.

I need your opinion on them, before sign in.

Please help.
EZWebHosters said:
I can tell you the ups and downs.
I think it would be much more appreciated if you could do so publicly as well. Why hide information that is valuable to all interested parties? :cool:

Nicholas C. helps me out with website modifications that may need to be made to our website and also helps us with custom scripting.
Keston E. said:
Nicholas C. helps me out with website modifications that may need to be made to our website and also helps us with custom scripting.
Keston, if he does so for pay/exchange of services (B2B partnership), he cannot promote the company since there is no value to his recommendation.

Artashes said:
Keston, if he does so for pay/exchange of services (B2B partnership), he cannot promote the company since there is no value to his recommendation.


I know that's why I say that user reviews can be found at "xxxxx" because it looks unprofessional having someone who host with us rating our own services because someone else asked for a review.
EZWebHosters said:
I have only been on their server 9 days, but we have been working together for 2 months.

huh? , so you work for them so you come and talk good about them? interesting.... :smilie3:
Warning: Do Not Host At Whm-host

First off, I have been with this host since it went bankrupt twice, all the way from, ledohost, to leamhost. I don't know how many bankrupts were before that, so :S. I first came, when I was a total PHP newb, looking for some free PHP hosting to test my skills. I would sign up, and they would delete my account and everything with it, saying they couldnt afford free hosting. Then they would give it back, it happened about 3 times. So I finaly got my parents to pony up 60$ so I could be done with the crappy service, so I got a cut deal of 4$ a month for 1GB ect. I payed yearly, so I got a free domain. Well, they had multiple and long downtimes. Then they folded up and turned into leamhost, they told me nothing about, and my domains were down for weeks and I had not a clue what was going on. I had to get them to switch my DNS finaly, after buggin him for a week. More downtime was to come, and I was starting ot get impatient. I wanted to order a new domain, it took him 3 weeks, and I had to tell him the domain again EVERY day. After all that crap, another long downtime came when they switched to whm-host. Whm-host has had less downtimes than the less, but that does not mean none at all. This time they also had the brain to get my domains transfered. Everytime I turn my back from my computer, the datacenter is crashing, or one of the services is crashed. I have lost count of how many times the datacenter frigged up. Recently, when they transfered my accounts to a new server do to overload, THEY DELETED ALL MY ****** FILES, SQL DATABASES AND DIDNT BACK THEM UP. I lost a pretty big forum, and I am pretty P.Oed. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR "LOW" PRICES.
Clownboy56 said:
First off, I have been with this host since it went bankrupt twice, all the way from, ledohost, to leamhost. I don't know how many bankrupts were before that, so :S. I first came, when I was a total PHP newb, looking for some free PHP hosting to test my skills. I would sign up, and they would delete my account and everything with it, saying they couldnt afford free hosting. Then they would give it back, it happened about 3 times. So I finaly got my parents to pony up 60$ so I could be done with the crappy service, so I got a cut deal of 4$ a month for 1GB ect. I payed yearly, so I got a free domain. Well, they had multiple and long downtimes. Then they folded up and turned into leamhost, they told me nothing about, and my domains were down for weeks and I had not a clue what was going on. I had to get them to switch my DNS finaly, after buggin him for a week. More downtime was to come, and I was starting ot get impatient. I wanted to order a new domain, it took him 3 weeks, and I had to tell him the domain again EVERY day. After all that crap, another long downtime came when they switched to whm-host. Whm-host has had less downtimes than the less, but that does not mean none at all. This time they also had the brain to get my domains transfered. Everytime I turn my back from my computer, the datacenter is crashing, or one of the services is crashed. I have lost count of how many times the datacenter frigged up. Recently, when they transfered my accounts to a new server do to overload, THEY DELETED ALL MY ****** FILES, SQL DATABASES AND DIDNT BACK THEM UP. I lost a pretty big forum, and I am pretty P.Oed. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR "LOW" PRICES.

Clownboy you only paid for 1yr of service which expired ? We are hosting you on free circumstances. ledohost is one of our staff domain names ?. And ledohost was moved over to justedge network after a deal between me and then did not go as planned ?. :uhh:
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Clownboy56 we treat everyone with equal respect, If you don't want to pay for our services you don't have to as I volunteered to host you for free but we use clients payments to provide them the extras that they need such as fantastico, rvskin, etc, and backups.

Clownboy there is no need to be mad from what I see this is as is a lack of communication which can be simply corrected, If you are on aim pm me I will give you my # and we can clearify the situation.
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