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Joe Right

New member
Spacewalks for sale check out this link " Spacewalking". If you have a lot of money and you want to go to space then this one is for you. Interesting even if you don't plan on forking out the dough to go.
Expensive and very risky... not really my kind of trip. It must be very interesting to be a salesman for such a service. :)
On the contrary, I would LOVE to experience being in space, especially going on space walk. However, I just don't think I have the health for it to qualify.
I don't know... I just don't see the value of the experience to be worth that much. I feel quite fine with my feet on the ground.

However, I just don't think I have the health for it to qualify.
I was not aware/don't remember you having any health issues. :confused:
Didn't you know? He's a one-eared, peg-legged webmaster with a crooked spine and a patch on one eye :p
Equinox said:
Didn't you know? He's a one-eared, peg-legged webmaster with a crooked spine and a patch on one eye :p
Obviously you didn't see any pictures of Artashes. :p
ldcdc said:
I don't know... I just don't see the value of the experience to be worth that much. I feel quite fine with my feet on the ground.
Certainly nothing wrong with being on the ground. Pricewise - definitely too expensive. I was just talking about general experience.

ldcdc said:
I was not aware/don't remember you having any health issues. :confused:
No major issues, but I am definitely not as fit (blood pressure, previous head injuries) as an astronaut would be.
Equinox said:
Didn't you know? He's a one-eared, peg-legged webmaster with a crooked spine and a patch on one eye :p
What are you talking about?? I am a SEXY BEAST!! :kiss: :D
Pricewise - definitely too expensive. I was just talking about general experience.
It's not really the price, it's the risk that seems especially high to me. Obviously this trip is not within the realm of my financial possibilities, but if I were able to afford the price, I would probably prefer the many other less risky, yet very intriguing opportunities that would be within my grasp, with that kind of budget.

Speaking of pricing, I wonder, would a double price reduce the number of potential customers significantly? I kinda' doubt it.

Only together with your girlfriend... and she's the sexy part. :p
Re: good response.

Awsome response guys. I too would not be able to go do to health issues. Although I really would like to go. I took a chance and thought this might create a good conversation piece. If you liked it and you want me to post more geekly material. Sorry I haven't talked to you much. My PC broke. I found out yesterday it was the memory. So I will get more and that should fix the issue. But I am using a different computer to post this for now. Once I get mine up and running I will be back. Don't forget me. Thanx again for the strong response.

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