Shoutcast Integration into Wordpress Website


New member
I am building a wordpress website for a live FM radio station. I got shoutcast running on the dedicated VPS and the station uses OtsAV DJ Pro for their source.

The part I would like some tips on is integrating the player and playlist, etc. into the wordpress website. I did a lot of research online but most articles are outdated so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I did find some files that I installed via cpanel/softaculous but did not work.
I used the help here:

When I go to my example2.php page I get:
"Webradio Sound Technology stream!
Sorry, but there was an error occurent, trying to connect to the Server.
In hope it helps, here an error message:
Error: Connection refused (111)
I am really sorry about it!"

Besides that I think I only need a page named "Song History" in wordpress and display like the last 20 or so songs that have been automatically updated.

As far as requests go I will just make an email/phone contact page for the live radio station for people to request songs as no songs will be uploaded to the server, it's all live.

And lastly should I keep the embedded shoutcast player or use a different one for my wordpress website?

I noticed people say it's a good practice to also offer listeners a choice to use their own computers default audio player but when I download the .pls file and try to open it windows media player says it cant recognize or play it.

So a little help with the above questions would really help me out. Thank you.
Unfortunately I am not familiar with how OtsAV DJ Pro handles its stuff but I have been programming for a few stations that hook Sam Broadcaster and Wordpress to achieve that. If you think it could be similar then I can post for you the step by step guide.

It might be a great help to you to try out the documentation of OtsAV DJ Pro before alot of hassle else where.
Thanks so much for replying. I have read all the documentation for OtsAV and am getting no where. I would appreciate it very much if you sould post a step by step guide for using Sam and wordpress. Thanks so much again.
I seem to be going backwards here. Now my stream sometimes stops and stutters when transitioning from one song to another.

The shoutcast people suggested I install DNASv1 instead of v2 as OtsAV uses the old shoutcast plugin seen here:

I am having problems installing version1.9.8 on my centos 5.5 64 bit VPS. Can you please be so kind as to give me step my step instructions on how to do this please?

Thanks very much

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