sid007 checking in

Hello hello LessHost! I'll call you sid though. :)

I've been using WHT for a while, but I stopped frequenting that forum. It has lost its charm from 2 years ago. It literally feels like there are a lot of kids who flooded the network. Anyways, I have lots of work with HostingDiscussion anyway.

Welcome aboard. Dan has already answered the question about our rewards.

Welcome sid, just make sure that you read the Agreement, as your first born child goes to Artashes. :)
Exon said:
Welcome sid, just make sure that you read the Agreement, as your first born child goes to Artashes. :)
Is that your way of saying that I'm incapable of making children of my own? :tired:
ROFL! No Art, I didn't mean it like that, I meant that you just had a collection of slaves :-D