SiteGround creating their own Control Panel


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In, what looks to the hosting community, an obvious objection to cPanels pricing structure, SiteGround will be launching their own in-house control panel.

If you go through their site currently, the Shared Hosting has removed cPanel as an option and instead they mention "Friendly Control Panel".

cPanel is still, at this time, offered via the Reseller plans.

As posted on other forums, SiteGround has not released an official statement yet, but their staff in chat are referring to it as "Site Tools".

As disclosed in another thread here on HD, the move away from cPanel will return back to how things were in the late 90's where different hosts had different control panels, and crated a nightmare for many to be able to move from one host to another. Back to manual FTP and database moves for many people I guess.
As disclosed in another thread here on HD, the move away from cPanel will return back to how things were in the late 90's where different hosts had different control panels, and crated a nightmare for many to be able to move from one host to another. Back to manual FTP and database moves for many people I guess.

only good news as i would say 99% of FAQs/Knowledge base articles hosts list are derived from Siteground KB.

If you look at control panels 1&1 (now ionos) have always had their own control panel
@bigredseo, you've predicted this. This serves as a warning to cPanel that a decline in revenue is coming. Hopefully, they'll learn to become a more customer-satisfaction centric company.
cPanel is being widely used. Most users will see a new panel or a change as a downgrade to cPanel. Companies that can build their own control panel its still going to take them a lot of time to get it close to cPanel. cPanel leaves users with little options!
There is always a small step from being desperate to get new customers to being extremely greedy. Human nature again !
cPanel is being widely used. Most users will see a new panel or a change as a downgrade to cPanel. Companies that can build their own control panel its still going to take them a lot of time to get it close to cPanel. cPanel leaves users with little options!

The new panel by Sitground will be for their customers only, just like the 1&1 (now ionos) one
I guess it is a big stand against cPanel, but most bigger end Companies should already be using in house software they have ample amounts of money to do so.

If I was as big as hostgator and the big boys I would of done this years ago, imagine the cost savings for the likes of siteground if they have 1000's of servers!

30k /mo with just 1000 servers, what smart business man would not develop their own to save over quart a mil a year?
It's about time people learn the basics of business and increasing revenues, imagine the savings that can be passed on to the customer.

It's all common sense really, but they seem to have lost it in the tech world why these huge hosts rely on a third party software that could be costing over 1Mil a year is beyond me, could have a serious dev team active 365 days a year for that.
Here are a few that have their own control panels

Ionos (1&1)
That's right only for their customers.

Nevertheless, a lot of hosting companies are looking for alternatives or building their own panel, which ofcourse isn't easy.

Not easy and not cheap. a lot of hosts already have their own ( see the list i provided earlier)
Here are a few that have their own control panels

Ionos (1&1)

Compared to some of the US Hosts, these are small time though, talking HostGator, BlueHost, GreenGeeks just a few very large brands.

The impact just of having cPanel alone financially is crazy, I am absolutely stunned they have not built their own CP yet.
Compared to some of the US Hosts, these are small time though, talking HostGator, BlueHost, GreenGeeks just a few very large brands.

The impact just of having cPanel alone financially is crazy, I am absolutely stunned they have not built their own CP yet.

1 i would have expected to have built their own CP is EIG with them having over 60 web hosting brands
1 i would have expected to have built their own CP is EIG with them having over 60 web hosting brands

Yeah, but then all their clients on the different hosts would know they're the same company :) By keeping branding completely separate, users that get pissed at hostgator then cancel hosting and move to bluehost, etc.

It's actually to EIG's advantage to onboard a client for 3 year payment, get them past the 90 day refund policy, then piss the user off so they move to another of their hosts and purchase 3 years.

It sounds really bad when I type it out, but this is something that CAN be done (i'm not saying that's what they're doing). But it is to their advantage to keep all the brands separate and "acting" different, even if the staff is interchangeable at times.
Yeah, but then all their clients on the different hosts would know they're the same company :) By keeping branding completely separate, users that get pissed at hostgator then cancel hosting and move to bluehost, etc.

It's actually to EIG's advantage to onboard a client for 3 year payment, get them past the 90 day refund policy, then piss the user off so they move to another of their hosts and purchase 3 years.

It sounds really bad when I type it out, but this is something that CAN be done (i'm not saying that's what they're doing). But it is to their advantage to keep all the brands separate and "acting" different, even if the staff is interchangeable at times.

but once the built a CP then it would be easy to rebrand the CP. or even create a CP and then set up up as a separate brand, so as far as clients from all their brands are aware their host has just moved to a different brand CP
1 i would have expected to have built their own CP is EIG with them having over 60 web hosting brands

Agree but it just looks like they will continue with cPanel, imagine the savings and the things they could do having a dev team for one control panel over 60 brands.

Seems like wasted money :smash:
There was a time, when local control panel was scrapped in favor of cPanel, due to its popularity. May be, a time to reconsider.

May this is time for someone to build an open source hosting control panel.

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