SPAM and crazy offers

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New member
I have noticed an increase of SPAM and crazy offers
like 60/100 for $10-$15 etc. on most Hosting communities.

Does anyone have the same impression ?

Just wait until they close up shop when they have to go to school and also try to run a webhosting company and find out there is more to it and have no time to sleep
There's a boom of them from June, through to September.

The 'real' boom for hosting companies (sales wise) comes usually between October/November and March - or it has over the past few years.

I agree! I've got short observations indeed only about the
last 3 years but they concur fully with your findings.
I don't see any tendency to changing. :)
:rolleyes: Yea spam is annoying....I wish it could be stopped but what can you do....just suck it up and go on :cool:
Now there is just so many crazy offers i see, Not just on forums but sites from Google and all, And its not just the new companies its established ones too.
Be prepared for a large flood of it in the coming weeks.

School's out.

And Now 2 months later since your post school's back In. ;)
The real boom is December when school's out again for the holiday's, it's coming to Christmas and kids trying to make a quick buck as possible, by making extreme low pricing.
I would like to see them sued for providing unreliable service if there in it just for the quick buck.
Kids today, think that Hosting industry is a law-suit free industry.
They need to learn, explore, and research how serious the industry is, before even attempting to purchase a reseller, a vps or a Dedicated Server.

There are some successful companies out there.
My friend informed me there was The "Top 20 Richest Teenagers of the UK" in the papers a few weeks ago and a 16 year old is worth £750,000 for running a web hosting & web design business.

The people who come in here thinking it is easy, purchasing a server punishes themselves in a way, they can't afford to pay for the server and have to take it out of there own money and not any cash they have made.
That happened a year ago, guys. I encourage members to participate in recent threads which are now buried below the old ones.

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