SSH getting timed out


New member
I have just setup a server at my home. I installed Fedora 4 that went ok, The got it's IP number by typing "ifconfig" that give me 192.168.x.x but when ever i put that in to my ssh i get timedout. Am using putty for my ssh.

If you need any more info i will try and get it for you.
afcbob said:
I have just setup a server at my home.
Perhaps your ISP is blocking SSH/Telnet...If you use a residential connection package over commercial they may block a lot of things incoming on the "server". I'd check with the ISP.
It sounds like sshd isn't started. On your FC4 box, do a 'ps -aux | grep -i sshd' and see if it is running.

That should fix your problem.

try teleneting to computer on port 22, you should get an ssh message, if not then you need to look at the computer and get ssh running first.