Staffig - Should you hire Sales based commisioned staff


New member

I have been thinking of hireing commission based staff to help build my portfolio of customers and was just think on people thoughts on this.
Doesn't sound like a good idea to me, I don't think someone can make a living off commission in this market...

At least offer a reasonable base pay along with commission and you will surely get committed sales people. :)
Commission based staff come and go, but if you get your hands on a good salesman, remember this. The more they sell, the more they get paid, the more incentive there is for them to sell. It can cheap for the employer but it can also mean a lot of turnover.
Doesn't sound like a good idea to me, I don't think someone can make a living off commission in this market...
If your sales-team can't make a living off the commisions you're paying, that can only mean
* you're charging the wrong prices
* you're not paying the right commission level
* you have the wrong sales people

2 are easy to fix ... :)
Would be interested in such a sales team too. Wondering where to get them.

It can be a good idea as said for both parties.
Personally, I wouldn't hire commission-based help. Sure, it does act as an incentive for the sales person, but a decent hourly rate would do that as well, and without forcing the sales person to come off as "pushy". From a buyer's point of view, I absolutely HATE going into a store where the staff work on commission, because they're practically forcing their product(s) on you!
I'm not and probably never will be a salesman, so I have a lot of respect for what they do (not the rude pushy ones mind!).

I have thought about the possibility of a commission based sales person. Finding the right person is the hardest thing of all to do mind!
Commision based sale team is a good option but at the same time they need to have a minimum pay too. If a sales person know if they get us more business, they could earn more money if they put little more effort.
I think it really depends. On big deals like Colocation sales people tend to be more commission based, however at a small web host I don't think that it would work out well.

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