Start Up - hosting advice


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I am involved in a start up business where we are developing an online CRM tool for small businesses – early days as yet but we hope to expand quickly

We have developed the application using Windows server, SQL Server, and .net. and are now looking at the hosting options available to us.

As we currently have no clients using the app we want to keep costs down but get a provider that we could grow with who offer a good service?

Does anyone have any suggestions, advice about the type of hosting they would recommend or have used?

Any thoughts much appreciated
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Well, you're not posting in a marketing area - so lots of peoples' advice may not be posted. On the other hand, you won't be inundated with hosting offers :D

If I were in your situation, I would first look for a host that had all the necessary programming elements I wanted on a shared hosting account, and all other available options (database usages, permissions, what have you.) I'd develop the application but not make it available to anyone while it was being built. Then when I was ready to start having any level of traffic, even a limited beta test, I'd make sure I knew of a host that offered larger shared hosting options or even a VPS where I was one of very few clients on the server. Then I'd keep my eye on disk space/bandwidth usage, stay ahead of the growth curve by upgrading before I hit my disk space/bandwidth limit, and start doing research for a dedicated server provider for when *that* move became necessary.

Ideally, if you can find a host that offers all of these stages - shared, VPS, dedicated - then the moves should go smooth as milk.

Just make sure you do your own regular backups, even when you get to a dedicated server. Backups have a way of failing at the most inconvenient times...
Taking into account your demands, I suggest you to look at **********.com, because it is optimized for application hosting and provides more security, reliability and speed than traditional web hosts.
Its support is amazing, because they realize customer and technical support is a major priority to their clients. It has live chat where you can get to know everything you want.
It has live chat where you can get to know everything you want.
Who would have guessed, it's not only deities that can be omniscient!

We have developed the application using Windows server, SQL Server, and .net. and are now looking at the hosting options available to us.
I would suggest you start your search with h-sphere providers:

They often offer windows based hosting, and some of them are quite mad about quality. Since you're just starting, you'll probably be just fine using a shared hosting account. It can never hurt to discuss your needs with the hosting company prior to signing up, and see what they advise.

Good luck!
just fine using a shared hosting account
I think that size depends on the customer base they have. But you are right Dan the search must be done.
Also I would recommend you have concversations eith all potetial host. I believe that in discussions with them you will be able to find the solution
We have developed the application using Windows server, SQL Server, and .net. and are now looking at the hosting options available to us.

I would suggest you to check with some hosting providers those who can offer you Windows VPS Hosting with Plesk as your control panel on the Virtuozzo platform preferably.
I would say there are a lot of good hosting providers, all you need to do is look up specs and prices for your company. Also most hosting companies provide cpanel with VPS hosting package.
The good windows hosting is availiable at - cheap and pretty good.

Also ***********.com provides quality hosting, ask them for more info.
*********.com provides Windows hosting as well.
If you need it, their plans are resourceful and affordable.
Well, taking into account your specific requirements, I suggest you to have a look at ******.com. This stable company is focused on delivering windows web hosting. They have superb reputation and you will have a wonderful experience with them.
There are many great web hosting sites out there, I would suggest reading some web hosting review sites to find the cheapest host.. I can honest say that I have been very happy with HostMonster.

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