such free web hosting??

Could just be a way for them to attract a bunch of users and get regular visits from them to sell ad space. Maybe they're using it to bump up their Pagerank. There are a number of reasons they could be doing this.
10 MB space... not much you can do there. There are hosting companies offering way more than this one. Plus, its not even a hosting company - its a community.

And.. don't want to say it, but it is a strange way to use your first post like that.. promoting a company.
Hello Atrashes,

By the way, there is 100mb space and no advertisment and this is just my opinion and my new discovery on the world wide web

Have a nice day,

Users from other parts of world with FreeWebTown!

FreeWebTown - seems that not only USA residents use it!I like the activation process on this site.For example,if you want to activate calendar,site vote,guest book - you just need top click the "Activate" button.And I also found that you can generate code for your add-ons manually.So if you have your own web-site,you can just have a guest nook,site vote,tell a friend and calendar from this site...
Dianne, why do your posts sound like an advertisement?
Are you affiliated with this company? What is your website with them?
I think it should be free...

If they exist more that one year...seems like they will not posphone their service.I also viewed the traffic and it is quite big...and so many users are there...Anyhow it looks like and it's easy ro use :agree: :agree: :agree: