Suggest me a Helpdesk


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Hi guys

I am currently in the process of establishing my own Web Hosting site. So take me as a new web hosting provider, I am going offer hosting for a particular script/CMS, so it’s not going to be a general hosting site.

I am currently in a fix of choosing the right Helpdesk for me. So help me out.
So far, I am considering the following three

IntelloDesk Lite
Auracle Support
Support Trio Lite

So far, I liked the look and working of IntelloDesk but 1000 ticket limit is just not fair. I will be providing the help regarding the CMS as well, so I don’t know how many tickets I will be serving in a month & as I am yet to start, so I don’t know how people will react. (I really like the feel and easiness of IntelloDesk, even a person like me was able to understand most of its working)

SupportTrio is an other good choice, but it looks a bit difficult to manage (Admin Side). But I guess, with time and spending some efforts, that can be done as well.

Auracle Support is an other helpdesk in my list. One big plus is its cheap (One time price) and second plus is, it comes with a chat client. But while trying its demo, my IE hangs sometimes & its look is not that impressive.. I was not able to test its admin side as there is no demo on their site.. So, don’t know much about it.
Currently my budget is $125 for getting a HelpDesk.. I cant go for more at this point…

As I am yet to start, you might say that I can go for a free version but I think with all free version I will be missing a lot of features. And since I want to provide the best solution to my clients, I think I can spare some amount on getting a good helpdesk.

I need 3 departments with 3 different e-mails so Cerberus free version is not an option for me.

Please give me your suggestions or any help that I can use :)
IntelloDesk is a fantastic and one of the best new software around.

I bought my Full Owned License for about $40.00 when they had the SuperBowl XL Special Offer I'm extremly glad I did buy it :)

But remember Christmas is on the way and I'm sure Christmas Specials will popup :D.
Fastian said:
So far, I liked the look and working of IntelloDesk but 1000 ticket limit is just not fair. I will be providing the help regarding the CMS as well, so I don’t know how many tickets I will be serving in a month & as I am yet to start, so I don’t know how people will react. (I really like the feel and easiness of IntelloDesk, even a person like me was able to understand most of its working)

Hi there. Keep in mind that only open ticket count torward your limit. Once the tickets are closed or deleted, they are no longer taking space in your quota.

Marks said:
But remember Christmas is on the way and I'm sure Christmas Specials will popup
Unfortunately no Christmas promotions are planned at this time, because this is the planned release of v2 beta.
Cant wait to have a close look at V2..
(If the current version so great, how great the V2 would be.)

IntelloDesk looks to be a perfect match for my needs and I am going for it.
(I just need to test it once before i actually buy it)
Can I see your installation ? :)
My IntelloDesk URL isn't active right now ;). Come to think of it I need to have the License Reset.
I'll throw in another recommendation for Intellodesk, excellent software that is just as good as, if not better, than some of the more expensive alternatives.
sailor said:
have you looked at kayako esupport version 3? I think it is the best by far.

$299.95 for owned is a little too much for me. That also when it appears they do not have a quick support team.

Also, I don’t run for big names, i always believe that you can get a better services/product from smaller companies because they care more about their users.

Just my idea :)
If your starting, try doing some research on a billing system that includes a support system. I know Clientexec have a great billing / support ticket system, its like a all in one program. Clientexec is very affordable too, I would suggest doing a bit of research, cause i know many people would get confused if they had to go to three different places to handle billing / support / control panel.
WHMCS has a great support system that comes wth it.

It offers mail piping the creation of different support departments. You can assign admins to all support departments only support departments or just one support department if you want.

It is a very useful support system and meets our needs without paying someone extra for a different service.

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