suggestions needed for dedicated server


New member
hi guys,

I am planning to buy this config.
Processor: Pentium 4 3.0GHz
Operating System: Windows 2003 Std Edition
Bandwidth: 500GB
Hard Drive: Single 120 GB Drive
Ram: 1GB
Control Panel: Plesk Unlimited Domains

THe price is very good on godaddy. can some one advise how is their support?

Honestly support at godaddy has been poor. They end up limited to knowledgebase and charge a high admin fee for any work and often leave you stranded - you end up hiring support outside. However pricing and uptime is great.

The company is great, prices for dedicated are generally overpriced to most competitors , however they lack proper support.
indyamail said:
Honestly support at godaddy has been poor. They end up limited to knowledgebase and charge a high admin fee for any work and often leave you stranded - you end up hiring support outside. However pricing and uptime is great.

The company is great, prices for dedicated are generally overpriced to most competitors , however they lack proper support.
What I guess is they can at least help us if the sites are down or mail server is down due to IIS or mail server configuration??? other than that, I can manage the server myself.

I need to two servers that is why I want good pricing.

They end up limited to knowledgebase and charge a high admin fee for any work and often leave you stranded - you end up hiring support outside.
They have two different levels of support I believe, one of which is for pay, but it's not exactly a "fully managed" solution. For those who can't manage the server themselves, it's probably wise enough to hire a third party to manage it for them. Obviously though, this means a significant additional cost (especially when compared to the fee for an entry level server).
Lots of people have issues with their support. If you can spend around 75$ an hour or something around that sort you may be fine...else their free support is limited. I know many DC's that will offer to fix such issues for free.
As I see ***********.com provides not only dedis but reselling of dedis as well. Has anybode used it? Is it very profitable?
As I see ***********.com provides not only dedis but reselling of dedis as well. Has anybode used it? Is it very profitable?
Right, ***********.com offers both dedicated server and reselling of dedis.
Some of the benefits our resellers enjoy are:
Discounted tiered pricing
Priority support
Free OS reinstallations
Most servers ready within a few hours
Free remote reboots
Special deals not published on our web site
Flexibility to customize servers to your customer's specs
Fast hardware replacement
Looks good IMO.
The single disk is the point of failure there. If you want reliability balance two such cheap servers or get a high-end dedicated with redundant power and disks.

Its surprising how many businesses host on hardware thats could just be a few hours from blowing up. Hard disks fail all the time.
i with godaddy since 4 years. I face some problems in EMAIL and virus etc..
Try liquidweb . just check the review
Why not, or ***********.com dedicated servers? Get a plan redundant power and RAID solution. Search for Xmas deals, there should be some.