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For all of you American Football fans - Who do you want to win the SuperBowl? Why?

For me, I'm with the Eagles, but that might be due to that fact that I'm from Philadelphia (just maybe.... :devil: )

EDIT: Fixed the poll....browser crashed!! AHH!
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I don't even know who is playing in the superbowl, I watch it for the commercials.

That's what I think of the superbowl. :)
Well in all honesty I'm a bit bitter over the Steeler/Patriot game.

hometown spirit aside, statistically, and skillwise, the Steelers were the best in the league. They messed up in my opinion by putting a rookie (Big Ben) in a game with so much counting on it. It only took him a few mistakes for him to tank the whole game.

Now that Pittsburgh is out of the running, Phili is definately the better of the two, between them and New England. So, my money is on Phili.
That would have been great to watch half of PA migrate to Florida lol

I was so disappointed watching Ben throwing passes to guys that weren't open, while you have awesome players like Ward wide open, STANDING IN THE INZONE.

I never wanted to choke someone so bad. lol
lol. Lets not get violent now....;) I guess people just crack under the pressure...or he already had plans for this sunday :)
My 6 year old wants the Eagles to win, better half is goin' for the Patriots, I'm rootin for the commercials :)

Saw the GoDaddy commercial - where's the HD commercial? :D
For some reason, I'm not really liking the commercials this year. Perhaps they aren't as wild anymore with Janet Jackson having her wardrobe "malfunction." :rolleyes:
That very well could be - the GoDaddy commercial has been the most "wild" of them all - the Ford commercials weren't half bad, perhaps after half time it'll be better?
I personally liked the commercial when the cop stopped a Mustang convertible and went up to the driver. When he saw the driver wasn't responding, he poked him with a stick and moved his glasses. He then noticed the driver was frozen with a look of amusement on his face. Then, the announcer came over with something to the effect of "this is why we wait until the spring to release it."
Yeah, that was a good one. I love havin' my laptop ---OOOH THAT ONE IS ON RIGHT NOW! :) It's good! I like how he honks at him then hits the lights, and takes a big sip of coffee :)
I'm quite upset about that as well. They came so close man...sheeeesh They played very well though.

My fav commercials:
- The 2005 Mustang Convertible commercial (mentioned above)
- The Diet Pepsi truck/P. Diddy commercial.

Absolute Fav:
- Budweiser's tribute to the troops

Sorry, but I was right about the goDaddy commercial IMO, it lacked any creativity, and was not much different than the rejected version.

For some reason, I'm not really liking the commercials this year. Perhaps they aren't as wild anymore with Janet Jackson having her wardrobe "malfunction."

I was thinking the same thing....bleh, no fun no fun lol
Yes, the GoDaddy commercial seems to be a dud. I didn't see a second commercial. I guess they pulled the second spot after realizing how dumb they were.

The commercials in general seemed very conservative for obvious reasons, but godaddy seemed to be the closest to the line out of all of them. But, some companies did prove that you can make a funny commercial and achieve your advertising goal without the beer and sex.
The Fed Ex Kinkos one was also pretty cool with Burt Reynolds getting kicked in the groin by a dancing singing bear. It reminded me of Conan. :)
dancing, singing, talking bear :)

The tobasco one was border line too, but it was done very well.
I missed that one. I don't know how, but I don't remember it. I thought that the Fed Ex commercial was somewhat funny, but I think that they may have overplayed the joke a little.