System Administration needed stat

Keston E.

New member
I am currently looking for some system administration of servers, I have recently seen some post about companies who charge 30-50$ monthly for administration but can not remember the url off hand if you meet the following requirements listed below and are online for more than 12hrs per day or about 12hrs per day please contact me asap..


Knowledgeable with cpanel, whm and has had prior experience
Can provide a phone#
Can provide 1-2 recommendations from others about him/her self
Payment will start today 50$ today and 30$ each other month.


whmhst is also looking for a graphic designer to redo a website template that we have and integrate it with invision board we will pay 75$ to have the content filed into the website and the board integreated with the website for more information about what we need done please contact us at the above listed contact means.