tacthost.net down for two days

Couldn't find anything on WHT, and of course the WHOIS has Privacy Protection enabled, so no contact information through that method either. The site is too new to be stored in either Google Cache or in the WayBackMachine.

I did find a thread in March 2009 about someone selling the company;


It's a little odd however as the posting above is from March 30th, but then I found THIS posting from the 20th about VertexStorage.com creating the site - http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?p=5688286

So they created it on the 20th, sold it on the 30th, and it was down for a couple days almost immediately.

Couldn't find any information on the web about them going out of business, but as Steve pointed out, that information on robtex doesn't look good.

No response to PING - never a good sign!