Team Members

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I need team members for my web hosting company . Where to find best people for support and promotion.
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What kind of support and promotion do you require from a team member? I've got multiple years of experience with working with an array of hosting providers, customers and services.

If my expertise is the one you are looking for, you can either message me here or use my contact details listed on

- Kieran

What kind of support and promotion do you require from a team member? I've got multiple years of experience with working with an array of hosting providers, customers and services.

If my expertise is the one you are looking for, you can either message me here or use my contact details listed on

- Kieran
Howe many years as according to your website you are only 16 years old and by some of your posts on other threads you have very little knowledge of the industry
I Disagree

Howe many years as according to your website you are only 16 years old and by some of your posts on other threads you have very little knowledge of the industry

Please disclose a specific post, I've been in the industry since Summer 2014 and I've been through many levels of service including set price resellers, free resellers, sponsored resellers, paid resellers and I'm currently entering looking into provisioning some services through a control panel software called CyberPanel on a VPS.

All information I post is based on my experience working at, owning and selling hosting providers over the years, in addition to being a customer for multiple years at shared hosts.

A web hosting service I recently sold had dozens of 5 Star ratings, and it existed for only 12 months, 6 of which collected the reviews.

I may not have being in the industry as long as you, or some others. However, I know using a set price wholesale reseller or free reseller is a very easy way to get clients to dislike your service (I learned that back in my first year). Although resellers aren't ideal, they are much better than some of the cheaper alternatives.

You have always got my contact details if you ever want to discuss specific issues.
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Howe many years as according to your website you are only 16 years old and by some of your posts on other threads you have very little knowledge of the industry
Not speaking to age - there are several CEO's / Owners that I know that know very little about the industry they're in - but they know a lot about running a company / managing employees / etc.

At the end of the day a smart entrepreneur will hire people to handle things that need done that he or she doesn't directly understand themselves.

I'm willing to bet if you looked at the CEO of most of the larger corporations out there - they'd have no idea how to do the day-to-day tasks at the lowest end of their company or really any idea how the low end of things work. Delegation / chain of command FTW :).
I need team members for my web hosting company . Where to find best people for support and promotion.

I had to close your thread since it was getting off track. If you are still looking for team members, you can request to either re-open this thread or start a new one.
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