The best Control Panel???

DirectAdmin > H-Sphere > cPanel > Plesk

I like how DirectAdmin and H-Sphere treat all domain names the same. There is no primary domain name. I don't care for the way cPanel handles "add on" domains. In cPanel by default all "add on" domains are treated like subdomains creating multiple folders and ftp accounts for each additional domain. Plus I don't care for cPanel's file manager. I don't like Plesk at all. But it has been 4 or 5 years ago since the last time I used Plesk, so I don't know what has changed in more recent versions.

And I definitely don't care for the 1&1 and vDeck control panels. I find both of them awkward.
What does Cpanel have that the rest do not have?

I know most clients migrating from other control panels mention the uniqueness of our EasyApache functionality. Not only is the possibility of typographical issues significantly reduced, and the ability to point, click and host using whatever modules you want present -- but the dry run to ensure everything will work properly before applying it to your server helps maximize uptime.
Please tell me your points. What is the best Control Panel?

All depends upon your requirements. Though each panel portrays to be the best one but unfortunately, not all are best. The best is the only panel which suits your requirements, gives you peace of mind and retains your profitability on the rising end.

A popular panel does not means to be the best. Simply, scan your requirements and platform...either you need the panel for Linux or windows environment. If you are seeking Linux based solution then cPanel can be recommended.

MOD NOTE: Edited for self-promotional content.
Plesk looks a bit confusing. You don't know what happens at the start ;] And support ticket for 50$ ? omg ;]

I totally admit CPANEL ;]
I'm in agreement with there really is no "best" but concerning versatility, my vote goes to cPanel and if you don't need the pretty interfacing, then DirectAdmin is fine too. There are others too like Plesk, etc..
I used many control panels. I would prefer Plesk. The best control panel is which works best for you :)
However I like plesk as it works great for both linux and windows platforms. Plesk is user friendly and colorful though. I think it is the best control panel. :)
I think in terms of features and reliability cPanel really is the best for Linux servers, we like it but also see its limitations. In my opinion it really depends much on what you are used to.