The-Pixel :: New & Improved


~Pixel Queen~

I've been working awhile on creating a new feel / style to The-Pixel ( This design was inspired by color and uniqueness. I wanted to break away from the old design and test new waters. Thank you for your time and let me know what you think; comments and suggestions are always welcome.
Looks good. I'd suggest doing something more with the header space and making your logo pop more.

Otherwise, good work.
Hi Pixel, It's looking good - I like the dark and bright text used on the right, makes for good contrast. I dislike the on-click effect for top navigation menu where the text jumps to the left it should stay where it is and possibly try another effect.
Good Job so far and good luck!
Hi Pixel, It's looking good - I like the dark and bright text used on the right, makes for good contrast. I dislike the on-click effect for top navigation menu where the text jumps to the left it should stay where it is and possibly try another effect.
Good Job so far and good luck!


Thank you for your wonderful feedback. I know that menu drives me nuts and I can not figure out for the life of me what the deal is, haha. Thanks again for the wonderful feedback - I'm off to fix my navigation. :D
a:active {
color: #2d96eb;
text-align: left;

"text-align: left;" should be the problem.. :)
Some nice designs there and a very good site :), I’m not a particular fan of opening the larger preview images in a new browser/tab (portfolio) though. Try a script such as prettyphoto which adds a very nice effect to showing larger preview images.

It’s really simple to use also and fairly self explanatory script with the site help, and importantly freeware :D and you could use noscript tags for those without java redirecting to a page with the image, not just the image.
Thank you for your wonderful feedback. I know that menu drives me nuts and I can not figure out for the life of me what the deal is, haha. Thanks again for the wonderful feedback - I'm off to fix my navigation.
I thought that was intentional. :)
Thanks again for all your wonderful feedback and tips to help improve my website. I will take all of them into consideration and once Easter is over I will implement most. Thanks again!
It's looking pretty decent. I agree on the logo, it needs to grab the visitor's attention a little more, it can be overlooked too easily right now.

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