To Flash or not to Flash

handsonhosting said:
Depends on your target audience.

Not everyone has flash plugins installed (I don't on ANY of my computers)
Not everyone has a cable connection (modem users will hate you)
Not everyone likes music and flashing graphics - I hate it personally

If you want to reach the largest audience, go with what has been a proven marketing/media device for centuries - black text on a white (light) background - newspapers, magazines are this way for a reason. Being forced to site through an animation is like watching commercials on TV. I just want the info, and then get out. I definitely wouldn't use it in a business site (unless you're targeting kids).

In my opinion I really like flash and looks professional to me, if the website was done right. Here in the US I think like 70% of the people have internet(correct me if I am wrong) and out of that percent I bet 25% have broadband(dsl, cable) . I haven't had a 56k connection in a long time but I do remember visiting flash websites and it didn't take that long to load the webpage.
Don't know what the stats are myself, but it's the same reason that our site is still designed for a 1024x768 audience. Why take the risk of losing the customer ;)

Flash does have it's place, but for me, it normally doesn't belong in business sites (unless you're integrating demos or something).
I'd really try to avoid using flash on a business web site. It increases load times by quiet a bit. If you do use it, be smart about it. Don't design a whole web site using only flash.... that's not very smart.
I am a flash advocate. However, I think if you're really interested in using Flash on your site, it's fine....of course adobe makes very good use of Flash on their business site, and I think the simplicity should be a standard and a bar.

continuing...I think you should keep compatibility in mind. Doing this simply requires that you do a check via javascript for the flash plugin, if it's present, show your animated version of your site. If it's not present, then present your standard non flash version.
I too am an advocate of flash, even in business sites. The amount of flash depends on your audience. I'm not real big on splash pages though, and almost always opt through.
I remember the first flash website I ever visited. I thought "this is the coolest website ever!", and I believe I actually said that to a friend who agreed. But that was long ago..

I used to be into flash quite a bit. I've done entire sites in flash, then I moved just to using flash for page headers, navigation, and such.. slowly I stopped using it completely..

I haven't seen a flash website in quite a while that doesn't look like a TemplateMonster special. Currently the only use I'd have for flash is ads. Just my opinion.
if your flash compliments the site and is still accessible- go for it. Don't just flash for flash sake.
I think you need to have a balance of flash on your site, if you use flash. Flash still captures my attention, even before I read any content - especially if well done.
Not to Flash! In my opinion flash is not a solution for 95% of the web sites. Its obtrusive and demanding nature just negates the purpose of the Internet! But Flash is attractive and that is the only reason to use it. Although, to be honest Flash is very programmable because of the ActionScript. Nevertheless, in most cases it's not the best solution.
I sort of relate to flash or not to flash to the old arguments I used to hear from hard liners who didn't want to upgrade from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95. The pace of the Internet is increasing in speed and broadband capacity. If your audience is largely dial-up, then by all means minimize flash. To flash depends on your target audience, and your level of expertise incorporating it into your site. And what exactly is the purpose of the Internet? Is it the sharing of information? How do you touch someone on the other side of the world or across town? You appeal to their senses - touch, sight, smell, taste, hearing - or the perception of those.
I sort of relate to flash or not to flash to the old arguments I used to hear from hard liners who didn't want to upgrade from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95. The pace of the Internet is increasing in speed and broadband capacity. If your audience is largely dial-up, then by all means minimize flash. To flash depends on your target audience, and your level of expertise incorporating it into your site. And what exactly is the purpose of the Internet? Is it the sharing of information? How do you touch someone on the other side of the world or across town? You appeal to their senses - touch, sight, smell, taste, hearing - or the perception of those.

Well put. I started out using flash quite a bit, now I rarely use it. Though there are a few times here and there when it's use is requested and in that case it's important to know where and how it's best used. I think that happy medium is something many struggle with, including myself at times.
I'm a fan of flash, in small doses and I rarely have used it in anything. Oh and flash intros on websites...hate them.
IMO flash should be used only for banners and very rarely to add some functionality. Whatever takes you to corporate technology isn't good, in the long runs, for the community.