Tracking Visitors


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How do you track the visitors to your web site? Do you use Site meter, or a similar service? What kinds of information are you most interested in when you do track visitors?
I have tried sitemeter and other site statistic tools but Google Analytics is the best for me. If you have a wordpress blog, the Wordpress Stats plugin is awesome :)
We use LivePerson which I believe has Google Analytics, it works great and we can see how many active members are currently on the site.
Google analytics is best tools but you should also check the stats using other tools because GA block some of the bots & traffic get held up from the browser which has disabled Javascript; Read More.
Google Analytics is the choice, but I also prefer to chrun the RAW LOG files through AWSTATS or WEBALIZER. That gives some more information compared to Google Analytics. Combine both the reports for analysis and you have the best solution.
Track your site visitors

Tracking your web site visitors is an essentail one to promote your business. By using a tracking a system you will get information such as how many people are visiting your site, where did the visitors come from, what search terms brought traffic to you.

By adding Google analytics script in your web pages you can track your site visitors. There are many other software programs available to track your website. Examples are WebSTAT, ClickTracks.
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I've always used Google Analytics on my free sites because its easier than trying to guess if other tools work the way they say they do. I enjoy seein all the information although I don't understand it all.
How do you track the visitors to your web site? Do you use Site meter, or a similar service? What kinds of information are you most interested in when you do track visitors?

Mostly Google Analytics, but I still have my Awstats installed in my website just to double up on some of the data. Google may at times missed out on a couple of numbers. :)
If your on a Cpanel web host , then u have the free facility of AWstats, other wise you can use extreme tracker, its free
Google analytics is pretty much exactly what i was looking for when i started using it. It is easy to use and has nice options/features.
We track visitors using live chat software. One thing we are particularly interesting in is the keywords they are using to find us and the websites which are sending us the traffic.