Transfer from RegisterFly Successful woo hoo


New member
Hey all,

I just had my first transfer out of RegisterFly completed!!

We only have 7 domains with them (thank the maker).
The process was very seemless for me. I started the request on 26 MAR 07 and today (28 MAR 07) when I checked my account the transfer was complete.

If anyone wants to know the steps I took, feel free to ask and I will post it. I didn't have to jump through any hoops or anything .... it was really straight forward.
Congrads and I'm glad your out of there. They actually have been a pain in the butt for me. They sold off one of my precious domains to someone, who now transferd out of RF aswell. So now I'm stuck having to wait yearly, till I can backorder the name.

BTW, I think you should post the steps, it would help a lot.

Also, I think RF is shutting down in a day or too anyways and a new company will be taking over all the clients.
So, are they providing EPP codes automatically or you have to request the same?

Did you find any change in their support quality?

I have a bunch of .infos, no big deal, so i am waiting on ICANN's decision, may be domains held by Registerfly will be auctioned to some other registrar, so i am just banking on that for now.
For the EPP codes ..... as soon as you get rid of the protection is should appear on your domain contact information.

As for the steps:
Remove the protection first ..... that's the important step. You can't transfer without proper WHOIS information. For Register Fly, you have to use the drop down menu to remove the protection.

Then, unlock the domain and you should be able to transfer immediately.
I believe starting today, you have to gain access to your domain through RF is officially shutdown now and hopefully forever. I just hope people have a good and easy time transfering from Enom.
Well there is a confusion amongst people and here is the information. Registerfly last year turned itself into a registrar. Earlier it used to resell eNom's business but last yr. they became registrar themselves at par with eNom. So, if domains are the ones you got thru registerfly as registrar, then they are under control of Registerfly and eNom or enom central won't be helpful. You will have to TRANSFER (not push) domains in that case, but if you got domains at time when Registerfly used to resell, then you can push domains to eNom for free and get things sorted. eNom can control those domains but not ones Registerfly registered as registrar.
I have now tried for two days and each time i tried to disable whois, i get Time out errors. Their site is back to ever-slow and it seems eveif you manage to undo whois protection, EPP codes aren't generated or visible on fly. Anyone else had luck?
I've had some time out errors also. I just kept trying. I would suggest trying at a different time each day.

As for the EPP codes, as soon as I've removed the protection I see it. I can't speak for anyone elses account but mine are immediately visable.
This is how I view them.

With your domain unprotected:
1) Click on Manage Domains.
2) Scroll down to Domain Contact Information, click the plus sign ( + ).
3) A Configure button should appear, click that.
4) Scoll to the bottom of the screen and look for Authorization Code.

That's it.

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