Unlimband.Org - Unlimited Bandwidth Think Again


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Web Hosting Companies that advertise "Unlimited Bandwidth" are giving out false information. In our long history, we have never seen any broadband company offering an internet connection as "Unlimited Megabytes Per Second." So, how could a Web Hosting Company, which normally doesn't even own its own access lines, advertise to customers that it will give them "UNLIMITED BANDWIDTH?" These Web Hosting Companies are lying to the public by placing ads on search engines and hosting directories to attract customers. Most of the time, high bandwidth sites on these "Unlimited" plans will be disconnected, and no refund given. Normally, the Web Hosting Company will say that the site violated its Acceptable Use Policy or Terms of Service. This is the reason why we set up this site, to educate people on the companies that scam individuals. The companies that bring bad feelings towards the word, HOSTING.

In Today's world, the average gigabyte of bandwidth ranges from $0.50 to $20.00. If a "high bandwidth" site (i.e. 200 Gigs per month) where to sign up for an "Unlimited Bandwidth" plan, it would end up costing the Web Hosting Company anywhere from $100.00 to $4000.00 to maintain these "high bandwidth" sites. Yet, most of these Web Hosting Companies only charge less than $20.00 per month. How can this be?

Whenever you visit a site promoting "Unlimited Bandwidth" as one of the account features, be sure to visit the Acceptable Use Policy, or the Terms of Service. Read the fine text about the so-called "Unlimited" disclaimer, you will be surprised!

We have noticed that many hosts are now using a theory that not all customers will use the same amounts of bandwidth, meaning that they will be able to provide customers that use bandwidth, the extra needed. That is true, but what happens if the host has many customers that seem to be using over the bandwidth averages?

First of all this http://unlimband.org is not owned by me whatsoever.
I just want to say there is no such thing as unlimited space and unmetered bandwidth so don't buy it.
They wil advice(force) you to upgrade your plan once your website reached the *hidden* limits although they told you "we will always add new harddisk to our server to ensure you'll not run out of space"
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nice find, but i knew that they were a rip off anyways because theres no way to support unlimited b/w to alot of clients, to one of that matter. :crash:
That site used to be much more popular a while ago. I wonder what happened that led to its temporary disappearance and subsequent downfall. Maybe someone sued its owners?
:rolleyes: As everyone already knows, its only a matter of time before such hosting providers fail as unlimited bandwidth / disk space does not exist.

Guess this host learnt the hard way :)
SQNWK said:
I guess they go out of business at that point.

No, Unfortunately customer is the one who suffers in each case. So better to see the applicability of any offer. Remember everything is limited, so don't give even a single consideration to any unlimited offer.

Just a friendly advice :santa:
My favorite analogy for customers who tell me they found a better deal (unlimited for what they were paying now, etc...) is the:

Assume you walk into a store, Best Buy, Walmart, Sears, whatever. You tell the associate that you'd like to buy the biggest fridge they have, and the associate says they have one available that holds UNLIMITED amounts of food and requires only 2sq feet in your kitchen, and that you can have it delivered for just $100 - cash, directly to the sales associate, but you have to pay for it all up front, and you don't get to see it first. Would you give the associate $100 cash?
Nothing is FREE in the world, if people offer you unlimited bandwidth or unlimited disk space, do not signup, this company will not last long in the market.
I feel sick

Hi Ya'll,

It makes me sick that a company can mislead and use a customer. Yes, some consumers are stupid I have to admit; however, how could you put service, profits, and someone's business at risk because you want to seel unlimited things for $15.99.

No one hurts but the client. In return, can hurt many other things too.
When I started my company a couple days ago, a friend of mine was making fun of my packages and I was like, "Why?", his response, "I get hosting from this guy I know and everything is unlimited for only $10 a month!" I laughed really hard and I wished him the best of luck. Maybe I should of told him that his unlimited hosting would not be lasting too long.

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