Unnecessary message coming in my facebook page inbox


New member
Hello Everyone,

I have Facebook page, and I am seeing there numerous same message in coming from diffrent-2 users. Can I know let me know, how can I stop them?
Login to Facebook and go to the Account drop-down menu at the top of any Facebook page and select "Privacy Settings." Select "View settings" in the "Basic Directory Information" section. Change the setting for "Send me messages." Your options include Everyone, Friends and Friends of Friends.
Hello Everyone,

I have Facebook page, and I am seeing there numerous same message in coming from diffrent-2 users. Can I know let me know, how can I stop them?

I just block such users, also these may looks like coming from the same users, but most like they are hacked accounts and the users are not aware of these ( this happens a lot in FB) all due to people using weak passwords.