US or Europe


New member
Whats the best operating datacenter to host movies from? I currently have alot of people wanting uk servers, when it comes to file hosting for movies, what is your opions?
im not sure myself what about hostgator i personally have a dedicated server so i dont know i think you should rename the thread US or Europe doesnt have much too do about with the topic :rolleyes:
It really depends where you are located. SEO is very important, and although you might want users from both the UK and the US, where are you located and where is your target audience? If there is a UK server, then the search engines (natural search) will not place their bots on your UK server, not the bots for the US searches at least. So it really depends who your larger audience is.
Like Phlint, it all depends on where your customers are located. If their mostly come from the UK then you should get a server from the UK,....hint,hint..:)
UK bandwidth is still far more expensive then in the US, I would recommend keeping your servers in the US so as to take advantage of the bandwidth pricing over in the states.

UK dataserver and not really that expensive anymore but if your hosting movies then you are going to shift some serious bandwidth.
I dont know much about US hosting servers because im based in the UK and use those but from what i can read US is better so common UK catch up
May I ask what kind of movies? If it's ilegal movies (dvdrips, cams etc) then forget about it. For others I would choose US server. Better speed for me and my visitors.
Bandwidth is more cheaper in US. If you don't use the server as a game server, UK or US based server will not make much difference. Only ping response times will be different.