VPS hosting & virtualization technology handbook


New member

first i hope its ok to post this here - if im in the wrong forum please may anybody move the post to the right forum!

we have written an big (about 25.000 words with about 50 screenshots) "virtualization technology & vps hosting handbook" - it should provide useful informations for_
-enineers who needs or wants to know more about virtualization systems available on market
-vps hosting customers (help choosing the right vps system for them)
-vps hosting companys or resellers

including xen/vmware/openvz/virtuozzo/sun-solaris/usermodelinux,... -and also a description of different technology aspects of virtualization (how it works, what is virtualization, paravirtualization, os-level virtualization,...)

maybe somebody can review this handbook and mail me some hints or maybe errors we have in the handbook?
if so please mail your hints to: webmaster (at) pushfish.com

it was hard work (totaly about 3 months) -> and so i hope the handbook helps to better understand of virtualization & vps technologys


Cool Effort there!
Documentation is somthing that is most often overlooked. It is also a thankless job sometimes, but nevertheless very very useful. It is a great outcome for a first draft!