Web 2.0 = Bubble 2.0?


New member
Read an article the other day where a columnist discussed Web 2.0 at a recent conference in San Fran. He pointed out how the whole 2.0 mantra seems to be around an exit strategy of making money which I think has merit. I think this is something that relates to the hosting industry as a whole.

What do you think about Web 2.0? Here to stay or just another doomed fad?
I agree.

When I browse sitepoint, nearly every template thread has "Web 2.0" in its title, while most of the people don't know what it really is. They just feel that by adding on the prefix, that it will make their sale go better and hopefully make them more money; because of this drama being created, this is why I advertise my template as "Web 3.0" to sorta contradict them.

Web 2.0 is not all about colors and such, its about the simpleness of a design, and how easy it is to browse and get around.
stealthdevil said:
To be honest. I think it has been too over hyped.

Of course it's over hyped. Everything that the media finds to be "trendy" gets over hyped.

I say...

Let's start a new trend.

Web anyone?

We can push it as the next big thing.

We'll :smash: Web 2.0!
I have heard about it, but to be honest I have not given any thought to it. So I have no idea what it is. But it seems to be a big hype and I am sure it is all about nothing
yup....definitely, the web 2.0 thing is over-hyped..... what with everyone jumping into the bandwagon.... but I dont think it is going to end up like last time.....
Web 2.0 can basically be defined differently for everybody, since there really is not set defintion. Anyhows, I do check out things that say web 2.0 because it does usually follow a similar theme. Sometimes not so much. Overall, there will always be some weird term that is over hyped and misused.
GnomeyNewt said:
Anyhows, I do check out things that say web 2.0 because it does usually follow a similar theme. Sometimes not so much. Overall, there will always be some weird term that is over hyped and misused.

I do like to follow happenings on the Web 2.0 front, coz so many of them are very interesting. But cant totally dismiss them upfront.....