Web Host Advice


New member
As you know, I'm just getting my feet wet here and I'm looking for a little advice. Has anyone heard of register.com? Is it a good hosting service? I was thinking of buying a domain name through them but then didn't know if I should find a new host or leave it with them.
Register.com is expensive. Godaddy would be ideal for domain name(cheap, what else you need for a domain?) and hostgator or hostmonster for hosting.

The hosts may offer you a free domain, but I would personally recommend you to register it elsewhere.
Yes, I see what you mean. The more I look around it does seem that register.com is more expensive. I have looked at Godaddy and will check out hostmonster. Thanks for the recommendations.
I have heard they are domain name registrar. I ssuggest keep domain names and web hosting accounts in different places.
Register.com is pretty big company as as other mentioned it is better known as domain registar. GoDaddy is fine for domain names. I would suggest you to search in Google for web hosts, to choose 3 to 5 companies and to give them a call or to send them and email This way you'll be able to find more information about their response time and the way they to customer support.
Good advice, areomit. I wouldn't have thought of contacting them by email or calling. But you're right, that would be a great way to get an idea of the customer service I may be in for.
Hi there,

I can't really comment on register.com as I don't know much about them. But I can recommend RebelNetworks.com

Hope that helps,

If you decide to host with a domain registrar (or decide to have your hosting provider purchase your domain for you), read the TOS first. Find out what happens if/when you decide to cancel hosting: will you retain rights to the domain, or will the host retain those rights? If you go with a registrar, and decide to host your site somewhere else after a certain period, will they lock you out of updating your domain details?

I've heard lots of stories of how people wanted to move to a new host, but their old host wouldn't let them take the domain with them (not just the 'stories around the hosting forums', but friends of mine who've lost sites into which they put years of work). This can be a real hassle, even if you only have the web site set up to house your personal blog which doesn't get much traffic.

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