Web Hosting

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Due diligence will be your friend in your search. No one here can answer that question for you as every bodies needs are different.

Most hosts offer a refund guarantee which you could use to trial your host and see if the plan is suited for you.

Take advantage of pre-sales live chat and ask questions, see how fast their responses are and the quality of the responses.

Best of luck.
For me, the best way to figure it out is through availing their trials. I have tried many website hosts with their trial version before settling.

I suggest you do that as well. Different plans and features for different people. What may work for me may not work for you.

It also helps to check out comparisons on Google if you are torn between a couple of web hosting sites.
@unisecureus I cant believe that after making 20 posts in HD, you'd open a thread asking such question? It is like asking "Which hotels are the best?". The question is inadequate to the point which is really hard to give you a proper answer.

The first thing to consider is what kind of web hosting service do you need - is it a standard Shared (Virtual) Hosting, a Virtual Server, a physical machine or any Cloud-based service? Then it is about where d you need the service, what kind of app you want to run and what kind of content you need to deliver?
This isn't really a topic that has a yes or no answer to, because between all the providers that are out there to choose from and between everyone having different requirements, different budgets you have to take that into account. Not only that you want to make sure to go with a provider that has been around for awhile.
If everyone used this then no new web hosts would start up, does not say they have been around a while that they are any good.

I have to agree with easyhostmedia on this. Just being new, does not mean the provider is bad by any means. I know of 2 hosting company which started a few years go and today they're growing rapidly and are very successful. On the flip side, I know of a few that have been operating for years and decided to close up shop.

You would expect though with a company that is just started out to have a higher risk of closing up shop vs a company that has been around for years (multiple that factor in the summer time for summer vacation type hosts :)).
You have to specify your requirements.
Like why do you want hosting, average traffic you will be expecting, space ram and other stuffs.

You want everything best with amazing support or whatever is your need just mention in more specifically.
There is no best web hosting provider, only the one that is best for your specific hosting requirements. I would say to select a host that you can grow with as your organization or business expands.
Best hosting depends on a lot of criteria, your needs + your expectations. If you provide more information about project you are trying to host, then it will be possible to look for provider.
According to my experience, small hosting company tech support is fast as compared to other hosting giants and small hosting companies are cheap because they want to attract customers. So we can't say which one will be best for you until you experience it.
I will call a website best if it pass in following criterion
1) Fast tech support
2) 99.9% uptime
3) Fast loading speed of website
4) Reasonable price
5) 24/7 Support availability
6) Support engineer are experienced and understand the issues.

These are some criterion which make a website best
I will call a website best if it pass in following criterion
1) Fast tech support
2) 99.9% uptime
3) Fast loading speed of website
4) Reasonable price
5) 24/7 Support availability
6) Support engineer are experienced and understand the issues.

These are some criterion which make a website best

so if 100 hosts pass these then to you they are all the best as what you list is just what you would expect from a good host.
Yes if 100 host pass these, then they all will be called best host. There are thousands of good host who possess these qualities.

yes good hosts, but no host can be called the Best Host as what 1 person looks for in a host will be different to what others look for in a host.

So a host may be the best for you, but could be the worse host for someone else.
Below are a few points that you can look for while choosing your WebHost:

Speed: of the server: How responsive do you need your site to be?

Bandwidth offered: How much data will be transferred every month?

Storage Space offered: How many pages are on your website?

Technical Support response: How fast do you receive a response from the support if your website faces an issue.

How trustworthy is the provider: Just about anyone can pretend to be a real web host and just be reselling someone elses products.

Beware of pricing tricks: The overwhelming majority of website hosting vendors offer low prices at the beginning of their contracts but then jack up the pricing after the introductory period ends.

What the WebHost offers: You almost always get what you paid for, so choose a WebHost that suits best for your needs according to the above points
I think this thread should be deleted. The question itself is incomplete or questions itself has many questions.

There hundreds of best host available on the net and unfortunately:smash: not can say mine is best LOL
If everyone used this then no new web hosts would start up, does not say they have been around a while that they are any good.

There is no best hosting provider in the world, the most people select one and if it feels good then is it for them the best one.
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