WebHost Bootcamp ... anyone attending?

I will certainly be participating and encourage anyone to sign-up as well. It is a free event, so the only potential waste at stake here is your time in the comfort of your chair.

I think events like these that are easily accessible to ANYONE, is what will make many providers come together to some common ground solutions. Its a great opportunity and I am very curious to see how it will turn out.
I'm actually looking forward to it... the long time frame just makes me wonder. Any word on the sessions yet? I saw speakers, but I was wondering more about topics.
I know its almost a month late; however, I didn't see this. You can see the schedule here: http://www.webhostbootcamp.net/Attend/Schedule.php. We didn't do such a hot job on that appearantly. People are having hard time finding it. It is located on the right hand column.

I hope its not a waste of anyones time. We have some great sessions scheduled and since they are prerecorded I have already seen them. They are good.

The reason for the long time frame was because of trying to go through 4 time zones and to be flexible. We have found that it creates a larger problem so in March when our Web Host Summit 2010 kicks off it will only be three days (March 29 - 31).

We have been listening and we here your needs. We will tweak each year based on the feedback we receive from attendees and through public forums.
I signed up about a month ago and I can't wait! I think the whole concept of it is great. :) Being new to the hosting scene, I see this as a great opportunity for learning and gaining more experience and knowledge in this industry.