What are some benefits of using javascript over pure CSS and HTML?


New member
I prefer to use CSS and HTML for my entire site, even for my drop down menus. I just feel like if I use Javascript my site would not degrade well.
Hey Exciter, I could give a number of examples like live support offline/online, drop down content and logins or dynamic content. It adds some life to the page allowing for interacting without the need to continually navigate or re-download content. Tool tips and admin panels alike use it to provide live feedback (green/red/amber ticks boxes) editing such as on wordpress for creating posts... the list is literally endless.

Although JavaScript can be disabled so the site should function perfectly with and without it, and many do go overboard though a good user can allow good interaction with your user and keep them interested as well as providing much needed accessibility options for certain users (text size, polarise and imageless buttons for example)
Javascript is okay to a certain extent yet it does have certain things about it that really bug me. Seems I am never allowed to right click for any reason and I love multiple tabs yet Javascript won't let me do that. :(
I"m a CSS fan, but the JQuery that exists out there these days is an ideal alternative to true JavaScript and since many of the large companies such as MSN, Yahoo, CBS etc are using JQuery, if you used the Google CDN version then the queries are already stored in your users cache eliminating the need to download again.

I don't know of too many users disabling JavaScript these days though.
Well.. I have to agree with handsonhosting. jQuery is very nice framework and I use it a lot in my clients sites.
If I have to choose between CSS and jQuery for effects I would chose jQuery.