What are the most common problems of a credit cardholder?


New member
Most of us really like to use credit cards for some reasons that it can be use whenever cash is nowhere, but there are problems that most credit card holders are struggling to figured out how they got into it.
Certainly, managing money is a task many find challenging, but when you get laid off from a job you've had for years, debt load you've been managing all along can suddenly become overwhelming. Other situations like illness or disabilities can be contributing factors. Mostly, it's simply that using a credit card seems so much easier - with plans to pay it off down the road, and then the finance charges overwhelm you.
If I understand your question correctly, I think that there are two sides to this. The first is that some people shop unwisely, leaving their card details open to scams, and potentially even to being cloned. Otherwise people just don't see the danger of racking up credit and they go a little nuts, and soon find themselves in trouble.
If you use credit card,you should make a high credits.And once you over use money of the accout you should pay off in the specific time or you will be in trouble.
I assume some people will say that the main disadvantage that it could be stolen and you will never notice that immediately