What do you consider to be the best free Control Panel?


New member
Obviously, a lot of people are going to prefer cPanel and name that as the best control panel, but, out of all the free one's (Kloxo, WebMin, zPanel etc) which do you think is best?

Personally, I prefer WebMin, but i've never used zPanel before!
I recommend ISPCOnfig 3. Does great. Offer it to a lot of clients who do not want to pay for cPanel on their VPS and they are happy with it.
In my testing of ZPanel it is buggy and I don't think it's ready to be a player in the free control panel market yet.

Webmin and Kloxo would be my preference for free control panels :)
ISPConfig is descent, but don't expect to be able to run a full hosting business off of it. Its good for personal use. Webmin I've been told is great as well although I haven't used it. Why a free control panel? What is it your looking for? Is there anything you need in particular? What are you trying to accomplish?
ISPConfig is descent, but don't expect to be able to run a full hosting business off of it. Its good for personal use. Webmin I've been told is great as well although I haven't used it. Why a free control panel? What is it your looking for? Is there anything you need in particular? What are you trying to accomplish?
I'm just generally asking as I don't intend to pay for cPanel for some personal sites which aren't generating any income.

I've gone with kloxo anyway, it's pretty decent actually.
I'm just generally asking as I don't intend to pay for cPanel for some personal sites which aren't generating any income.

I've gone with kloxo anyway, it's pretty decent actually.

If this is the case, don't use any control panel at all. Its safer this way and the free control panels tend to be buggy / have security holes in them. I'm not saying they're all bad, just higher risk. Using no control panel at all with a good software firewall will be more than enough.

You can install a most items you need for statistics without using cpanel or a free panel like IPSConfig.
A small piece of advice on choosing a free control panel. Look for a cp that supports IPv6. :thumbup:
If this is the case, don't use any control panel at all. Its safer this way and the free control panels tend to be buggy / have security holes in them. I'm not saying they're all bad, just higher risk. Using no control panel at all with a good software firewall will be more than enough.

You can install a most items you need for statistics without using cpanel or a free panel like IPSConfig.
This is the reason i've used cloudflare and firewalls to prevent such security flaws as much as possible.
I really like the look of zPanel though I haven't really used any free control panels :).

If I had to choose, I'd go with zPanel as a first option.

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