What do you look for in a dedicated server provider?

Wavy IT

New member
What do you look for in a company when buying a dedicated server? AND/OR what kind of specs do you look for?
Price is really the major factor. Being on a known network and at least having a fairly decent history.

And specs? whatever i'm looking for at the time. Hard to really answer as its a case by case situation. Since I might need a 32 thread server for a webserver, but I may need a 8 thread server for a web. So it matters what the project is at the time.
I think 24x7x365 competent, professional support is first, then longevity, infrastructure, product lines and price.
I think Server Uptime, features, locations, plans and prices, support and reviews of hosting providers should to know
I think Server Uptime, features, locations, plans and prices, support and reviews of hosting providers should to know

server uptime usually depends upon the server admin but yeah if it's a managed server then uptime is also important, else the client is responsible for server uptime, but you can definitely look into network uptime if you want
@hostEONS hit the nail on the head. Network uptime and reliability would be #1, along with that I'd determine what type of DDoS protection is offered as those two really go hand in hand.

Secondly you'll want 24/7/365 support for those just incase moments. Always research the company, check reviews, how long they've been in business etc.

Little tricks such as can you find an address and phone number on their website are helpful as well.
When I looking purchase dedicated hosting first I need those services.

1. DDoS Protection
2. 24/7 Support and Customer Service
3. Backups and Data Redundancy
4. System Administrator Support
5. Customization Options
I never really saw DDoS Protection as a big thing, but that's mainly because i've never really saw it as being useful for the projects I've used.
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Beyond finding which web hosts are out there, it's a matter of digging through different plans, comparing inclusions, and checking customer reviews.
When picking any provider but especially for a dedicated server I think price has to be a number one for pretty much anybody. After I look for what do they include with it. If there's an issue with the hardware or the actual server what is their procedures that I would need to follow.

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