What do you look for in a web hosting company?


New member
It'd be interesting to see what fellow members would be looking for in a web hosting company -besides the standards (reliable support, great uptime etc...).
Other than the standard things you've mentioned, I also like to get feedback from current and former users.
I would be looking for how flexible, how approachable and how close the management is to their clients when they voice their feedback. Doing business online is new to many people, and its tough enough on some already, so creating a relationship, staying personal with customers is a great way to create another virtual friend and a loyal customer.

My company is just that - they listen and execute when I speak, which shows a sign of huge friendship and respect. That goes to all their clients. And the best part is - you can easily get in touch with anyone for anything - be it a sales rep or a CEO.

So yeah, THAT is what I'm looking for in a web hosting company, beyond just a list of given standards.

I'm lucky enough to have found a host that takes care of me, so I would never have to look for a new host. But if I ever did, I would definitely go based on referrals from people that I know and trust. Forget about site design, uptime claims, etc. The proof is in the pudding. How do they treat their existing clientele?

Oh, and price is definitetly secondary. A few bucks more a month? Who cares? As long as the service is there, it's money well spent...

Forget about site design, uptime claims, etc.

Exactly true. These things have become to easily manufactured these days. A nice design can only take you so far.

I of course do not want to bash anyone whatsoever, but imagine when you have a look at *other* forums, and take a look at their host complaint sections. You'll find a lot of people who chose a host based on their "awesome design," now complaining because that host's design isn't providing the service they expected it to.
This is true, but at the same time hosts who have 404s, broken images, and obvious text/graphic rips from other sites are not ones I'd lump into the "high class website" category.

Those who have their site together, text/graphics are unique, and flows well together it shows that the host is concerned about how easily the visitor is able to navigate the site.

I go through a local company. My server is roughly 60 miles away so if need be I could be there in half an hour (have done it before) to be physically in front of the server or to handle issues with the datacenter.
Exon said:
This is true, but at the same time hosts who have 404s, broken images, and obvious text/graphic rips from other sites are not ones I'd lump into the "high class website" category..
Are you referring to a specific host?

Not sure about the friendly part--a commercail sites needs to be up and delivering the pages well. Freindlienss doesn't impact that, though I'll admit ti's nice to get someone on the phone who isn't surly.

But the first thing I check is how long they have been in business. Yes, I know, there are new companies that are just fine. But 4 out of 5 new businesses will be out of business in 5 years, and in the hosting world is is much faster than that, with all the virtual hosts out there. Additionally, I check the IPs to see if they actually hold the IP. If they are simply a reseller or "dedicted server" on someone else's network, they may be out of business in a day. Companies who own their own netwroks are far more likely to be there tomorrow.
If they are simply a reseller or "dedicted server" on someone else's network, they may be out of business in a day. Companies who own their own netwroks are far more likely to be there tomorrow.

Almost all hosts are run on dedicated servers, on someone else's network. You may have been referring to "datacenter" rather than network. However, even in that case, most hosting companies do not "own" the datacenter they have their servers in.
Art is 100% correct. Also, if the website's design is a template... leave, as soon as you can! That is not always the biggest worry to most people, but it should be. Companies who try to get their site design from somewhere else just shows that their services are limited.
One should not make a blanket statement saying that all hosts who have a template as their design are "bad hosts" and a consumer should leave as soon as they can. A host that gets their website design from a template can simply be a new business that does not have the money to focus on website design - they are focusing on actually hosting and supporting their customers; something that all hosts should be doing.
I'm 100% for the idea that web design should mean very little when it comes to hosting shopping related decisions. I can actually recall a host that has started with one of the most common templates at that time (the irony). They have grown, have a new original site now, but the service according to reports has been very good from the very start.
I would have to agree.

While we have never been ones to use templates, I see absolutely nothing wrong with them.

I also don't think a general statement, knocking down hosts that use them is fair to be honest.

In fact, I can think of quite a few hosting companies that have spent massive money on a unique design, only to let their customers down in the end. One in particular comes to mind, but I won't go there.
As a customer ... when I am looking for a web hosting company ... the last thing I worry about is if their site is original or a template. When I am looking for a new hosting company I am more interested in their hosting abilities .... I could care less if they are "graphics" or "programming" guru's or whatever.

Before I set about looking for a new web host ... I make a list of the minimum features I need. When I find a host that interests me ... then I check them out as best I can ... their stability, reliability & attention to service etc.

If I encounter ANY "red flags" ... I normally continue with my search.

As long as a potential web hosts web site is clean & neat and gives me all the information I feel they should be providing a potential customer ... thats all I worry about. A few things that will immediately keep me searching are ... if a potential web host doesn't detail their packages & pricing, doesn't give any information about the datacenter(s) they use or don't divulge where they are located & provide a phone number.


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