What do you Look for


New member
What features and service do you look and expect for in a virtual host?

If you found a host offering what you wanted, how easy would the choice to switch be?
Personally I wouldn't switch unless the host has a good track record. That's the main thing for me. In this crowded hosting market it's not that hard to find what you want, it's hard to find a host to stay with. So, if I were with a host for more than 6 months and be happy with the service, it would take a lot to convince me to switch hosts.

I couldn't have said it better. I don't need much in the way of support. I am much more concerned with my sites availability and performance.
I agree once you have already taken a chance and found a host your happy with its hard to think about leaving. Even if another host is offering exactly what you need for a price you like....the question comes up again "do I want to take another chance again" and if you do...how do you know their service is better than what you currently have.
TRau said:

I couldn't have said it better. I don't need much in the way of support. I am much more concerned with my sites availability and performance.
Even though you may be experienced in the field, You may still need support, after all you don't have total control over the server, For me Support is a big issue experienced or not, Good network and of course a good track record as Dan said.
When I was searching for a provide for web design clients years back it was all based on support, uptime, server specs, and the relationship. MB's and GB's and email can all be bought;however, the quality of the hosting providers staff is something that cannot.

Another thing is I do not want to be considered a number or a domain. I would like to be called by my name. I find that clients would like the same. All the specs are great it only goes so far in keeping a customer though.
ldcdc said:
Personally I wouldn't switch unless the host has a good track record. That's the main thing for me. In this crowded hosting market it's not that hard to find what you want, it's hard to find a host to stay with. So, if I were with a host for more than 6 months and be happy with the service, it would take a lot to convince me to switch hosts.
agreed, whats the point in switching to a host that has what you want? but is down all the time, and has slow times... And there are alot of hosts out there, hArd to find the perfect one :agree: