What do you think about streaming hosting?


New member
I was working one of the hosting company for years and now i decided to start my own business..

I am curious what you think about streaming hosting?

Do you familiar with streaming hosting? ( Flash-windows...)

What should be the avarage monthly price for shared streaming hosting?

What is the best company have you ever worked?

Thank you in advance..
I'm actually very interested to hear more about streaming hosting.
Best company I've ever worked - right here, of course. :D
Do you also offer streaming packages? I have not seen on your website..

I am-was working with one of the hosting company and also started my own business.. We have lots of tv channels, radio stations.. We also offer streaming packages with satellite...
I took some time to check out your site this morning, and liked what I saw. Will go back when I have more time to review. :D
I was working one of the hosting company for years and now i decided to start my own business..

I am curious what you think about streaming hosting?

Do you familiar with streaming hosting? ( Flash-windows...)

What should be the avarage monthly price for shared streaming hosting?

What is the best company have you ever worked?

Thank you in advance..


I've worked in the streaming business since 2004. I really enjoy the streaming because I get to work with many different types of music.

Most streaming hosting is shared and our company prices it per listener and bitrate.
What is it for?

Is streaming hosting mostly for video and audio usage. What kinds of websites use streaming hosting. Do you need a second time of hosting to go with it or is it a unit on itself.
Streaming hosting is for audio and video. Online radio as well as terrestrial radio stations to provide online feeds. TV stations can also use it to stream their feeds.

It can be a unit of itself (dedicated server) or a second service. You can host streaming and web hosting on one server in other words.
We run some streaming for a number of customers through a Cloud based service. Some of the live events that we've hosted include weddings, state fairs, a horse boarding facility and a waterpark.

Live feeds are a great exposure for many people doing events, but we've found a lot more people wanting Video on Demand or a POD Cast type setup rather than the actual live feeds. Different market I guess.
Very Cool Conor.

Our streaming company focuses on 24/7 live stations, although they do have the capability to do "remote" broadcasts. Video on Demand and Podcasting are both 100% different from eachother and streaming.
I see so you could run streaming through cloud hosting. Does that mean that it would also work on other types of servers. Like a dedicated server for example?
Yes a dedicated server works.

We have 65 dedicated servers for streaming all clustered together, making the 65 act like 3 servers, with a cluster of 2 for DNS. The dedicated server was more of the "original" way to stream.

ANYONE can stream from their home computer, but the reason you get hosting is so your provider doesnt shut you down from bandwidth use. The reason you buy from a company like us, is because we have the bandwidth and the server configured for you. We are able to offer it cheaper than you buying a dedicated box + bandwidth (most of the time), and we are managing the server for you.

Now, if you want your own server that is 100% fine, but you will need to know Linux as well as be good with closing the loopholes associated with shoutcast/icecast, firewalls, and you will need to purchase a control panel (if you want multiple streams).
Heh, you make a good point about the bandwidth. I had a warning about that once and wouldn't want to face it twice. Just out of curiosity do you run a lot of firewalls with your 65 dedicated servers?
We have a big network firewall which protects our entire network. Each cluster has a hardware firewall as well. Then each server has a software firewall.
> We have 65 dedicated servers for streaming all clustered together, making the 65 act like 3 servers, with a cluster of 2 for DNS.

Nice setup!

As you said, the most expensive part will be the bandwidth portion of things (usually). Cloud is great for that kind of setup and is essentially what Stream101 is doing, they're running an internal "cloud" network which they can bring services online and offline depending on load capacity requirements.

The security of the machines and the necessary software optimized does take someone who knows what they're doing (to do it right).

Each project is a different beast or monster (depending how you want to look at it) :)
Yep I don't doubt it at all. Besides, "stream" is in the name of your company and it's the main core of your business. Successful hosting companies don't get to be around for 5+ years without knowing what they're doing. ;)
Why is everyone recommending Dedicated Hosting? That is a horrible idea for someone starting out. On many forums I'm at, this is what is happening.

@samuelthomson: Why do you recommend Dedicated Hosting vs purchasing actual SHOUTcast/ICEcast streaming?
In order to find out what should be the monthly price for streaming hosting you should study the market by finding out what prices are demanded for such hostings by leading hosting companies.
Dedicated Streaming

We have also dedicated streaming options , but prices depend on the customers needs..

We always monitor shared servers and do not let lock the server

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