What do you use graphics for?

Not sure what you mean.
Do you mean what do people do with the images they create?
If you do, I normally just use images to birghten up a site because plain text can look a bit dull on its own, I dont go overboard though so its too slow for people on slow connections
Yea, I pretty much meant what they do with their work or the work they pay for. Im on a slow connection and your sites load up quickly enough for me :).
The style for this forum has quite a few images so I not sure if it takes a while to load or its ok, cant get on a 56k to test it myself.
It uses more graphics than any of my other sites but hopefully its still fast enough.
Most images I do would just be to design a logo or image for splash screen, sometimes I do my own buttons for my sites as well, dont find that too hard.

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