What is the best forum? vBulletin Vs Invision Vs phpbb


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Which forum do you think is best?
Please give detailed reasons for your opinion on each
vBulletin is considered the standard. However phpBB and IPB are also nice forums. vB is pretty easy to skin and works well with large memberships and high numbers of users online at a time. IPB and phpBB are good for smaller forums. Of there IPB seems a little easier to skin than phpBB.
I always preferred vBulletin for a forum, but spending $160 and another $30 for updates each year isnt really the best option for every site I own so I dont go with vb for everything ;)

I can honestly say I dont think vbulletin handles large forums with a lot of concurrent connections any better than phpbb or invision.

Take a look at this:

Thats bigger than any vBUlletin forum and its running on phpbb

Although I am a HUGE fan of vbulletin, I dont think it performs much better than the others available.

I also like open source so that sways me away from vbulletin.

However, the support at vb is really great, replies to support requests are very quick, unlike at phpbb and invision I have found.
vBulletin is easier to skin also, IMO of course :) and there are a huge number of hacks for vbulletin.
phpbb also has a large number of hacks available but I dont think there are enough for invision yet.
And its bringing out a new version which means there will be very few hacks (Like for the new vb version but thats changing quickly)
Do you think $160 is worth vbulletin though?
I wouldnt mind if it was either $160 one off then no other fees, or $30/year without the $160 but I think having both is a bit much.

Especially when people dont make much from sites these days, the running cost is often more than what the webmaster makes and adding that cost of vb makes it harder
Check out hosts like unitedhosting, they use vbullitin they have a huge forum, use it daily tis worth it if you get lots of use, I wouldn't.. LOL
Leo said:
Do you think $160 is worth vbulletin though?
I wouldnt mind if it was either $160 one off then no other fees, or $30/year without the $160 but I think having both is a bit much.

Especially when people dont make much from sites these days, the running cost is often more than what the webmaster makes and adding that cost of vb makes it harder

That's exactly why I stuck with phpBB. The cost didn't justify the means.. Now, if your forum is a big support channel or you have a need for the advanced items in vbulletin, it might be worth while. I think if you search on these or other related forums, you can might find someone selling their license with some support and a cheaper price (whether this is allowed, I don't know!).
phpBB just has way too many security holes and their patch/update process is horrible for large forums. vBulletin is much more sophisticated and professional in regards to this.


PS: I use both (for now)
Personally I like the look and feel of VB better then all the rest. Its all personal preference really.

We dont have a large forum, but I think that spending the money on VB was well worth it.
Has phpbb been pushed to the side a bit now?
I see most forums using either vbulletin or invision now, it used to be vbulletin and phpbb for years (Well from what I can remember anyway)
I don't see many phpbb forums these days and I know a lot of people have converted their phpbb to invision.

I also don't like the idea of paying $160 PLUS $30 every year for updates and support.
I think after the first few months you dont really need support, and there is normally someone else on the vb forum or another forum that can help with any problems anyway.
Although you still have to pay the $30 if you want the upgrades.

A lot of people say that phpbb cant handle a lot of posts/users online at the same time but just take a look at this:

vb3 has a lot more features than phpbb but with both boards, you can always hack the forum and change almost everything, plus you could always add in things that vb has which the free boards don't.

A lot of people say vbulletin is coded a lot better, but to be honest, I don't notice much difference as a user and an admin.

Even if it is a bit better, I don't think the cost is in line with the benefit of that anyway.

There is a lot to think about for this subject so a lot of research is needed
John Diver said:
I always preferred vBulletin for a forum, but spending $160 and another $30 for updates each year isnt really the best option for every site I own so I dont go with vb for everything ;)

I can honestly say I dont think vbulletin handles large forums with a lot of concurrent connections any better than phpbb or invision.

Take a look at this:

Thats bigger than any vBUlletin forum and its running on phpbb

Although I am a HUGE fan of vbulletin, I dont think it performs much better than the others available.

I also like open source so that sways me away from vbulletin.

However, the support at vb is really great, replies to support requests are very quick, unlike at phpbb and invision I have found.
vBulletin is easier to skin also, IMO of course :) and there are a huge number of hacks for vbulletin.
phpbb also has a large number of hacks available but I dont think there are enough for invision yet.
And its bringing out a new version which means there will be very few hacks (Like for the new vb version but thats changing quickly)
We have 532373 registered users

that surpasses WHT LOL
Which forum do you think is best?
Out of the ones you listed? I'd have to say vBulletin, then phpBB and lastly (and least) IPB.

vBulletin is considered the standard.
I wouldn't only say vBulletin, however any paid forum would be the standard for a company over a free one. This includes vBulletin, wBB and all other paid forum boards (Even the paid version of IPB to an extent).

Of there IPB seems a little easier to skin than phpBB.
I'd have to say it's the other way around, I find phpBB very very easy to skin - You simply have to edit a few files, and make sure that the basic coding is still there.

I always preferred vBulletin for a forum, but spending $160 and another $30 for updates each year isn't really the best option for every site I own so I don't go with vb for everything
There's always wBB. ;)

Do you think $160 is worth vBulletin though?
Not at all. wBB is just as good as vBulletin, however it's much cheaper. wBB is €50 for an owned license with one year of upgrades, and €30 every year for extra upgrade. Just as good as vB, however cheaper, and one of their clients is actually BMW, and I don't think BMW would use a shoddy forum board. ;)

This thread AFAIK, should have been posted on the Freebie forum, since they're free.
Two of the boards mentioned are free, yes, however vBulletin you need to pay for. Unless you want to split the thread so all phpBB & IPB go in the Freebie forum while everything about vB stays here. ;)

Has phpBB been pushed to the side a bit now?
Yes, it's due to the fact people are waiting for phpBB 2.2; when that is released you'll see a lot more phpBB forums around.

I also don't like the idea of paying $160 PLUS $30 every year for updates and support.
Then use wBB, or phpBB. ;)

A lot of people say vBulletin is coded a lot better, but to be honest, I don't notice much difference as a user and an admin.
Funny that... I've actually heard the total opposite.
The cost is a bit much for forum software IMO.. when there are free forums that do just as good of a job, why would you pay is the way I look at it, unless of course you can are advertising on the forum, such as here at HR, so you can help lighten the cost.
The cost is a bit much for forum software IMO.. when there are free forums that do just as good of a job, why would you pay is the way I look at it,
The thing is, the majority of people see it as unprofessional for a company to use free forum software. True, others see it as unprofessional to use a forum at all; however that's another story all together.

Personally, I too don't see it as professional for a company to be using IPB or phpBB. Why? The company has clients, the company is making money, they're making a profit, why won't they spend a small amount of that on say wBB or vB? By doing so they show professionalism in my opinion.
That is a very good point actually Anjay.. but for personal use I don't think I would EVER buy vBulletin or anything like that..
vb is probably one of the better ones. it has pretty many features and is written well, but you have to pay for it. I prefer phpbb myself.
phpBB is a pretty good forum... just need to make sure you keep it current with the security updates.

I prefer vB my self.

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