what is the best way to get more traffic to our web hosting site?


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Hi all, let sharing here about Promotion and Marketing technical to get more better knowledge about this technic

what is the best way to get more traffic to our web hosting site?

1, pay per click
2. paid to click
3 craiglist
4. auto submit url like yoorgo.com
5. classified ads

what do you think? an have any idea ?
write and share your knowledge below
big thanks :)
Anything automated, stay away from it. It usually comes back to bite you in the end.

The best way to get traffic will depend on the type of traffic you want to receive. Many will say word of mouth, or just even mentioned in press releases.

For me, and like most businesses, you have to spend money to make money. The key is to make sure that your advertising budget is less than what you would get on the income. I would have no problem with $5k in advertising, if the money spend would yield $3k monthly recurring revenue. It all depends on what you want to have out there as a RISK and what the REWARD is for that risk.
whatever you do, don't be spammy..

and you need to have at least top notch grammar on your site before you can start converting potential to clients
I would have no problem with $5k in advertising, if the money spend would yield $3k monthly recurring revenue. It all depends on what you want to have out there as a RISK and what the REWARD is for that risk.

yes it,s true, i have an adwords account and facebook advertising run but they are charge us to big monthly by monthly, huftt, facebook advertising is ok to get more costumer, but the cost more biggest than adwords :(

@cable guy
sorry dear, no need to explain the grammar, but the first is understanding ok :)
Well, you do not need to break your bank account to use Google AdWords after all. Attempt by starting from some long trail keywords which would definitely be more affordable than some too broad terms like web hosting, which may never lead to real sales and then set your daily budget limit. Buying some advertising spaces on the hosting related blogs and websites too could be recommended.


I think that you are facing more problem to your topic.I have a lot of

experience of this topic.The best way to get more traffic to our

web hosting site that is pay per click .
I think a combination of pay per click, advertisement and Press releases is a good way to get traffic, never concentrate only on 1 thing. You need to find the real places to get targeted traffic, advertise on Domain Forums or Sites if you sell Domain Names etc.
For me SEO is one of the most effective way in generating web traffic and you can use different SEO strategy such as social bookmarking and article submission.
SEO is a long term effort but it will reward you long term results as well. It is one of the best ways of getting more exposure to your website especially if you are like me who have more time than money to invest. :)
Yes, SEO is one the better choices. It's long-term as sherwood said, but it'll be a steady stream of traffic where as the other options you mentioned are quite limited. Pay-per-click will gradually run out. People may see your site but only because your paying them to, it doesn't mean they'll go beyond that.
Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and PayPerClick (PPC) efforts should go hand in hand. You are sacrificing traffic if you aren’t targeting customers in both areas:

• 80% of the time searchers go to the organic results first
• 65% of search traffic goes to the top ten search results
• 60% of searchers click on paid ads sometimes while 12% say they click on them always or most of the time.

There is a more detailed article about combining <<URL snipped. Advertising is not allowed.>> Highly recommended.
Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and PayPerClick (PPC) efforts should go hand in hand. You are sacrificing traffic if you aren’t targeting customers in both areas:

• 80% of the time searchers go to the organic results first
• 65% of search traffic goes to the top ten search results
• 60% of searchers click on paid ads sometimes while 12% say they click on them always or most of the time.

There is a more detailed article about combining <<URL snipped. Advertising is not allowed.>> Highly recommended.
Interesting stats - I actually believe 95% of the time, searchers go to the organic results first - and that even the tenth ranked organic result gets more clicks than the number 1 sponsored ad.
Our marketing staff have been done their best to maintain our website visibility, those 5 ways that are mentioned above are great but we would advise you to do some more stuffs such as making articles, forum posting and exchange links :)

Happy Trying
For getting traffic to your website you should advertise and following are the way to do so:
1. Submit your site to as many search engines.
2. Have dynamic content to your website
3. For Christian sites you can pay per click or per month. In Pay per month cost is fixed so it is cost effective as compare to pay per click.
4. Have your own domain name.

Everyone has been to Google or Yahoo or AltaVista. If your visitors are likely to be 'Internet novices' by all means make your site mimic these sites. This way, you will be sure your visitors will feel 'at home' on your site. Be selective of where you submit your site to.
I agree. You shouldnt put all your eggs in one basket. You should look into SEO and also Pay Per Click advertising is very helpful.
Well, you do not need to break your bank account to use Google AdWords after all. Attempt by starting from some long trail keywords which would definitely be more affordable than some too broad terms like web hosting, which may never lead to real sales and then set your daily budget limit. Buying some advertising spaces on the hosting related blogs and websites too could be recommended.

There is no need to pay for advertising on such as <<URL snipped>> and the rewards speak for themselves.

Best regards
Arran Wood

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