What is your Favorite control panel?


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We at Jodohost are using H-Sphere for 3 years now. Using it, you can have your own customizable Control Panel (cp.yourdomain.com). Also you have your own packages, name servers and brand.
I still prefer cpanel due to ease of use and many features provided by the control panel. Cpanel also include many additional scripts.
I have used Plesk, DirectAdmin, and CPanel for the FreeBSD OS.

Plesk: Stable. A little tricky to setup and a higher learning curve. Overall good support with good updates. Works well on the FreeBSD platform.

DirectAdmin: Excellent support, stable, very fast to load, excellent customer support. Good price. Works very well with the FreeBSD platform and is supported very well by the developers.

CPanel: Good support, stable, has a few bugs, never auto-update with the FreeBSD system. It works very well with the FreeBSD system once you learn the tricks on how to operate CPanel properly with the OS.

If we are discussing what my preference would be based on these control panels I would highly recommend any of them if you know how to adminstrate the system. However, based on what our clients prefer, we have seen a much higher sale when we have choosen CPanel as our main control panel system. Overall I prefer to build my own custom panel which can give all of the exact features but it also allows you to develop and fix any issues more quickly.
We Use Cpanel, because of the ease of use. I found it really easy to use plus support is great for it
It's amazing how far cpanel has come -- when I first entered the hosting biz in late 1999/2000, cpanel was FULL of bugs. Seemed to stay that way for a while, but they did get their act together big time. Now I definitely prefer cpanel hands-down for several reasons -- while it still has the occasional bug from time to time, for the most part it's relatively stable (especially if you stick with the STABLE or RELEASE tree). It's also extremely feature-packed and very customizable allowing for pretty easy branding.. Most importantly, though, customers love it -- can't argue with that.
It's amazing how far cpanel has come -- when I first entered the hosting biz in late 1999/2000, cpanel was FULL of bugs. Seemed to stay that way for a while, but they did get their act together big time. Now I definitely prefer cpanel hands-down for several reasons -- while it still has the occasional bug from time to time, for the most part it's relatively stable (especially if you stick with the STABLE or RELEASE tree). It's also extremely feature-packed and very customizable allowing for pretty easy branding.. Most importantly, though, customers love it -- can't argue with that.

I totally agree with that. cPanel are advancing so much and it is something where you just want to refresh layer2.cpanel.net to see what update they have in a few minutes.

The Good Thing about cPanel which many other panels don't have they have a univerisal updater and have several builds.

Now I think cPanel is coming to Windows soon, by the look of how bugzilla is now laid out.
I'm sure if you go up to anyone and say name a famous Control Panel they would probably say "cPanel"

Like you would when you would ask an American name a city in England they would most likely instantly say "London"

Like I have stated in other posts I have no other choice but cPanel. It is user friendly and featured packed. Customers love it and it easily integrates into most billing systems and 3rd party scripts. I cannot complain. I have been using cPanel since 2002. IN addition to cPanel I have used Ensim and Plesk and I still prefer cPanel.
The only complaints about cpanel is the price, cpanel price is too high compare to other control panel available in the market, and I think it is overprice. I like cpanel very much and so far use cpanel on my three servers. However I hope cpanel supporter can push cpanel to reduce the price for the benefit of everybody. Otherwise I think we should use other control panel to let cpanel know that they overcharge their customer. With so much users are using cpanel, the cost shall be going down and it is time for cpanel to reduce the price.
With so much users are using cpanel, the cost shall be going down and it is time for cpanel to reduce the price.
Their main goals would be to secure a high portion of the market market and maximise profits. It seems to me that they're doing fine with the first, so they can concentrate on the latter. :)
If you were going to purchase 1 - 3 Licenses (Yearly, 2 Years, 3 Years or One Time) I think there prices are fair, could be lower but fair. They have a more features than any other control panel. Upon said that they have more bugs than any of other Control Panel as well :p

I think for NOC prices they need to make some adjustments to their no. licenses to the price I think some of it looks abit off. I know they did make some adjustments a few days ago which is abit better.
Personally, with the amount of money you can make /server with cPanel I think their prices are just fine. If you look at if from cPanel's view they are a head of the rest. For example, modernbill, in the billing industry nothing comes close.

Clients want cPanel and hosting companies have to provide it. You may have higher costs but man is it worth it. :)
Of course cPanel's support is amazing send a ticket, check your emails straight after and you will most likely receive a response already.

cPanel is highly the most favourite, it's the most well known.
Some people don't want to go with it however because lack of Apache 2 Support which they are coming close too.

Sometimes a provider has to add an alternative ;)
I prefer cPanel myself, as there are many scripts that you can use with cPanel, I also like the fact that you can edit it in your own way and buy cPanel Skins for it. The prices are just fine for the high quality.

Though, I have seen posts on other forums that complain about cPanel not being that "secure". well the fact is that they are one of the securest webhosting panels out there. the only reason they may seem to be less secure is that since it is so popular, many hackers/crackers target hacking cPanel VS hacking some other webhosting panel.
I personally don't know why people like Cpanel so much (probably it was the first and only cp they've ever tried). I personally have full tested (installed, fixed, used, upgraded..etc) Cpanel, Directadmin, Hsphere, Ensim, HostController and Plesk. Out of all, I would say Hsphere stands out the best. :dance:

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