what to do with unverified paypal payments


New member
hi dear friends
some time users pay with unverified paypal accounts how do you treat in this cases ?
and what should we do ?
Unverfied are fairly common, however generally if you have other fraud screening in place, it shouldn't be an issue. Just like any other account however, you'll want to monitor it and verify they're not using it for spamming etc - but that's normal too.
hi dear friends
some time users pay with unverified paypal accounts how do you treat in this cases ?
and what should we do ?

every PP account will be unverified for the first few months a PP account is opened (everyone has to start somewhere). Even you would have had an unverified PP account at first, but you should have other fraud screening procedures. If these work then their will be no issue. We dont redflag an unverified account on its own
Do you use any sort of fraud program with your billing software such as maxmind or Telesign? Verified or unverified, fraud protection will give you a score to help in determining how risky an order is. That said it should be used in conjunction with other ways of determining risk
Creditcards, passports etc.

creditcards are not issued by the goverment also you would except a CC as ID.
the idea of asking for ID is to stop CC fraud, so what would be the point asking for CC as ID

Also not everyone has a Passport.
From what I've read of the thread so far, it sounds like unverified PayPal account holders could potentially be spammers or otherwise guilty of fraudulent activity. How common is this?
Keep an eye on it, we have had a few fraudsters that we caught using them but somehow then never really proof what they use during the signup screen. The best offense is a good defense.
We deal with this all the time and usually are not phased by it. We use MaxMind as protection too, and then manually review every order within a few hours of it coming in.
We deal with this all the time and usually are not phased by it. We use MaxMind as protection too, and then manually review every order within a few hours of it coming in.

This is exactly how we deal with orders. you have to think that every one setting up a Paypal account will be unverified at first, so does this mean that everyone that used paypal are fraudsters until they get verified
This is exactly how we deal with orders. you have to think that every one setting up a Paypal account will be unverified at first, so does this mean that everyone that used paypal are fraudsters until they get verified

We find that a lot of our customers are purchasing gaming services for their children, and many of them do not have a PayPal account so we assume they are un-verified. All things considered we don't generally get too many issues from them.
We find that a lot of our customers are purchasing gaming services for their children, and many of them do not have a PayPal account so we assume they are un-verified. All things considered we don't generally get too many issues from them.

Exactly, but a few on this thread seem to consider un-verified as fraudsters, i just wonder if the OP was ever un-verified (LOL)
We ID all new clients regardless of if their paypal account is verified or not. Keep in mind we deal with dedicated servers clients, although I think many providers regardless of what they sell do this.
We ID all new clients regardless of if their paypal account is verified or not. Keep in mind we deal with dedicated servers clients, although I think many providers regardless of what they sell do this.

Yes i think it is a wise move if you are selling dedicated server and high prices VPS to get ID verification, but for most shared and reseller hosting, this sort of ID is not really needed and will most likely turn customer away if asked for.
We only ask for this type of ID for orders over £20 a month
I wouldn't worry too much, it is when they are unregistered you should worry more.

If you do fraud screening you should be fine.
it is when they are unregistered you should worry more.

so if you only offer Paypal as a payment method and the buyer does not want to have a Paypal account and does not have one, so they go through the paypal link to pay you and then use the 'i dont have a paypal account' and then pays you with a credit/debit card according to you they should not be trusted.

If you think this way i suggest you find another profession as the hosting industry is not for you.