What v Where You Advertise


New member
Which do you think has more of an impact on a website's traffic/profits - WHAT you advertise (in terms of coupons, discounts, specials, etc.) or WHERE you advertise? Which one do you think attracts more traffic to your page?
The two are part of the same thing.

Sure advertising locally is great, but if the "deal" is not worth it, then nobody will come.

Which is more important in bread making - milk or flower. Without both, you'll not have bread at the end of the recipe.
I think both are equally important, also I find that reputation of the company is also vital, so better check your customers' reviews and testimonials.
It's fine having a great product or service, but without anyone knowing about it, it's worthless. This is where the place you advertise is important.
If you have a offer and a promotion that appeals to a niche market, then it needs to be advertised and aimed at those people so they can benefit from it.
Thanks for the input, guys. Handsonhosting - I like your analogy about needing both milk and flour to make bread. Sounds like I need to focus on both what and where I advertise for long term success.
Both are important. You can't separate those things. Good and attractive offer placed in a accurate website attracts targeted audience and makes biggest effect.
Also you should customize your clients by region, gender, age and etc.
That's a good point, Hybrid Servers. Catering the ad to the clientele would probably drum up a lot more business than having one generic ad, even if it is well-placed.