What would be the ultimate web hosting magazine?


New member
What would be in the ultimate web hosting magazine? I think it's a challenge for web hosting magazines to find new things to talk about in the industry. Hosting is not always the kind of thing you can write all kinds of new fascinating articles about.
The ultimate hosting magazine...well...that would HAVE TO BE an organised collection of every post I've ever made on HostingDiscusison! Should make for some reasonably entertaining reading! Just Kidding :D
hostnews.com said:
I think it's a challenge for web hosting magazines to find new things to talk about in the industry.
Agree and disagree. While there are only a limited number of subjects you can discuss, there are still plentiful of issues to converse about. The industry goes through continuous innovation, business environment changes, mergers take place, finally ethical standards and policies take shape. Magazines, surprisingly, are the ultimate source for standardizing the web hosting industry. With such power, in my opinion, comes big responsibility. Magazines should better promote the ethical factors of running a company, offer realistic business workshops (from accounting to marketing), be not only the infomercial, but an educational source as well.

There will always be plenty to talk about on the technology end of things, since things are constantly changing. For example in the not to distant future those data centers that pulled out the old chilled water systems used on the mainframes will have to reinstall it. Due to the increasing heat load from high density systems, chilled water cooling is coming back. I already received info from IBM and HP that in the not too distant future servers will be going back to water cooling. Just look at how storage has changed, SAN and NAS is really taking off now that the pricing has come down to more affordable levels.
Equinox said:
Funny you should mention water, I'm off to buy a kit this afternoon :D

You'll enjoy it, long before it became the popular mod it is today I installed a watercooler/peltier on my then state of the art AMD Thunderbird 700Mhz. With the peltier and water pump running full bore I was able to get the beast to be stable at 1.3GHz. Now I just use watercooling to eliminate the fan noise, they run nice and quite.
700Mhz OC-ed to 1.3Ghz...holy cow! Thats amazing. Congratulations, thats quite an achievment. I'm busy installing it on my box as we speak.
How often would said magazine be published? Once a week, month, quarterly, yearly?

Once you figure out how often it's published then decide what you consider, "new".
I doubt that there could be enough meaningful material to publish more than once a month. So I imagine it would have to be published monthly or quarterly (maybe split the difference and do bi-monthly).

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