What would you look for from Reseller Hosting


New member
So as the title says, if you was to purchase a reseller hosting account what would you be looking for in terms of hardware, software, support?
- Company with a reliable track record (profitable and/or tested by time)
- Low latency
- SSD drives
- Knowledgeable in-house true 24/7 support
- Preferably continuous data protection (off-site)
- Choice of panel software (not a deal breaker, however)
- Friendly attitude
I look for this :
24/7 support
Unlimited Traffic
A good disck space at a good price.
And as "Artashes:" say the posibility to chose you panel software
- Speed
- Reliability
- Friendly Staff
- Fast Ticket Responses
- Affordable Pricing

Not necessarily in that order of importance.

But these items are very important to me, when choosing a plan of any sort.
I would look for these:

[*] Reliability.
[*] Fairly Fast Support.
[*] Good Behavior from staffs.
[*] cPanel Control Panel preferable
True 24/7 support - As I am in another country, I would need support in what would be "off-peak" times in the US.
I guess it depends on the market you're targeting.

For many, price is the driving point. But I see and deal with many customers who aren't for chasing every last nickel and dime off you, but who appreciate the whole 'package' we provide them with.

It's not just about providing Reseller Hosting.. thousands of people do that. But providing something extra added value that less other people are doing.
I will look for support and enough space. If everything is good but support is not fast , you may loose your customers. so before going for reseller hosting, make sure that support staff response is fast.
So as the title says, if you was to purchase a reseller hosting account what would you be looking for in terms of hardware, software, support?

I would like following features

SSD Based Servers
Full Hosting Data Access
PRIVATE Name Servers
Daily backups
Third Party script support
Dedicated account manager
24/7 Ticket and Live chat support
Website/Software Maintenance support

Above features allow me to concentrate on sales instead of concentrating on technical issues
Look for something like:
Free Migration
Multilingual support
Datacenters around the world
24/7/365 Live Support
Latest Webhosting Platforms
99.99% Uptime Guarantee
7 Day Money
Back Guarantee

For affordable prices and Reliable company.
Below is the main things I will suggest you to check

1. Infrastructure is the main thing you should look.

Whether they are having SSD drives or not
Details of the Data center where the server's are located , Whether the DC is providing cheap quality products etc
Details of the Software Running in the Reseller Servers like Litespeed, Nginx Reverse Proxy, Mysql on Seperate SSD drive, Mysql versios etc
Whether they are having any Raid like Raid 10 or raid 1 etc
Spec of the Reseller Servers to confirm it is having latest CPU and enough memory etc
Great Network Support and possibily IPV6 support as well now a days

2. Second most important thing is Support.

Make sure the support is having 24/7 real support and check and confirm the response timing for the below and see if they are meeting the SLA

Live chat
Phone support
24/7 Inhouse Monitoring of the Services and if possible to have some custom checks url site check for re-sellers for their main site.

3. Third important thing I will say is Proper Backups for the data

See and confirm the backups are continuously monitored and backups are not in the server itself. So that you can get the account's backup even if the server is badly damaged.

Another thing you need to consider is you should get the hosting from the location where most of the targeted visitors will be for get hosting from a company having US data center if your targeted visitors are from US.
Right off the back I would want a host who has very reliable support.
Must has 24/7 support in house of course. typically cpanel/whm is always a must.

lately ive been really falling for ssd drives so that can also be another thing id look for in a host.

Price wouldn't be a issue at all, I've come to realise that with hosting or any services these days you get what you pay for and of course .
I have known a lot of hosts that don't offer anything that will help the end user

Some are even rude when you ask questions

I don't think price is a big one. No one knows how much a companies overheads are.

I've used cheaper companies and very expensive and the cheaper ones were always better because they needed every Customer.
- Speed
- Friendly 24/7 technical support
- Variety of packages/prices/ for everyone’s needs
- Money-back guarantee

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