What would you look for from Reseller Hosting

How long has the host been around, it’s beneficial if they have been established for some time, but this doesn’t mean rule out the really new ones but if you are going to choose a newish hoster, ask your self how are you going to feel if your site just disappears and you have no chance of getting it back?
Many of the hosts promise huge space and bandwidth because they know most customers don't use as nearly as they signed up with their hosting account. But if you really need an amount of space or bandwidth you thought you were entitled to, there might be a problem.
It may seem a bit irresistible to search and compare different webhosting packages - the hosting market is so competitive.
These are the point which I found in hosting services.
1. 24/7 Services support.
2. 99.99% Uptime.
3. Moneyback guarantee.
4. Live chat support
I would look for some of below options :-

SSD Based Servers
Remote server backup option (r1Soft)
Server Locations
LiteSpeed web server
Uptime Guarantee SLA (within 99.5% to 99.9%)
I'd probably also look for a company which has been around for a while with good support. Probably using CloudLinux and not unlimited everything, so that every individual reseller can't overload the servers with hundreds of badly managed accounts. That being said the response time to that kind of issues determines a lot too of course.
I would look for a number of things but price would also be a big factor.

I wouldn't go with a reseller that was offering a silly per month price. as this would sound alarm bells to me.

I would be looking for a provider that offers good disc space with daily back ups for a fair price.

I would read online reviews from reputable provider as word of mouth is the best way to really judge a companies merit.
i think, it's depends on the market you're targeting.
need support and enough space. but If everything is good but support is not fast , you may lost your clients. so before going for reseller hosting.
Resources is the first thing you look at in a host, if it provides the space, bandwidth and add-on domains you need in case your site becomes successful.
Here are a few points I will look for reseller hosting.

Check server reliability and uptime guarantees.
Hosting upgrade options.
Numbers of addon domain.
Signup prices vs renewal prices.
Refund policy and free trial period.
Essential hosting features.
24X7 Support via live chat, Call and Help Desk
First priority should be on the performance and the qualify of support. This is the main thing that we need to get to grow as a reseller.

Additional requirements are

1. Webserver such as litespeed
2. SSD or nvme servers
3. Backups
4. Client management softwares such as whmcs, clientexec etc
5. 24x7 support through livechat, phone and tickets
i think this are the some common but major factors that you need to consider for reseller hosting,
uptime , technical support , speed , hosting plans rates , 24/7 support or not , disk space , proper backup
  1. Reliability and uptime - less than 99% uptime is problematic now a days
  2. Customer support - 1 hour response time would be ideal
  3. Unique features - what makes them stand out from the thousand other reseller hosts?
  4. Price and value - are the prices competitive?
  5. Scalability for future growth - how easy is it to upgrade
  6. Reputation and industry standing - what do the negative reviews say about it
  7. Security measures - has there been any breaches or hacks?
  8. Ease of use and control panel functionality - how easy is it to set things up?

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