What's wrong with Cpanel?


New member
While most web hosting services provide Cpanel for their users, why there are still a few web hosting services not providing Cpanel? I think Cpanel is almost perfect and user friendly. There is no reason not to use it...IMO :D
Some companies do not offer a Control Panel at all. Some offer a variety for you to select what you wish to use. It all depends on the price, usability, stability, and preference of the company.
The majority of hosts out there offer cPanel with their hosting services...Also, a good amount of VPS/Dedicated Hosts offer cPanel as well and most offer it for free.
I've got a number of servers and accoutns that do not have any control panel. I also have some accounts running other control panels and free ones. It all depends on what the customer needs.

Why spend $30/month on a cPanel for a dedicated server when a free one (or none) would do?

cPanel is good, but it's not the end-all be-all. There's much left for improvement on that product.
Not everyone likes cPanel, so those hosts that offer Plesk and such are niche hosts making their money that way.
Don't Like cPanel personally. I love good old DirectAdmin and thats why its my companies "preferred" control panel is DA. I do offer cPanel though. but if my clients want everything cheaper i suggest them to go for DA. But tbh who really cares i mean the majority of stuff you do to your hosting/server is done through an FTP Client anyway...

- Many Thanks
B/c not all clients can work an FTP Client properly? :)

Its mean, but its true. Some people just need a panel, not all, but some, and yes being able to offer different types is always a good thing for business.

And Steve-Hostirian, love the Ford remark, no I do not drive one, but I would if I had my hands on a 65, 67 or 70 1/2 Mach I. ;)
Because, Some people can't afford it or maybe there clients don't like it, It can be tons of resons why they do not use it or use it.
B/c not all clients can work an FTP Client properly? :)

Its mean, but its true. Some people just need a panel, not all, but some, and yes being able to offer different types is always a good thing for business.

And Steve-Hostirian, love the Ford remark, no I do not drive one, but I would if I had my hands on a 65, 67 or 70 1/2 Mach I. ;)
I've had 3 different Ford's - the 77 Mustang was horrible, the 64 Thunderbird was a power car (490 four barrel) and the Cougar was a dream. We offer a variety of control panels thru our companies - all of them have their strengths and weaknesses.
cPanel and software package makes life easier for web hosts and the website owners they serve. It offers easy-to-use, powerful tools that perform essential tasks quickly, easily, and reliably, but there are some other web host and website owners that might not appreciate the use of a cpanel.
It actually depends on taste. Everyone was newbie when they started using a control panel. There are lots of users who started without using Cpanel, and the number is definitely not low. Survival of all other control panel proves the truth. But cpanel definitely got a better support than any other control panel in the market and bigger customer numbers. They provide nearly the same fastest support with Internal licenses these days as well and no one competing with them in this matter.
I thought before that cPanel is free as my web host doesn't charge me an extra fee for using cPanel. But it actually costs $30/month? If so, I have a good reason not to use the control panel when I move to a dedicated server.
Yes Cpanel has a cost to it but your parent company, where you buy your reseller package eats the cost or passes it along to you.

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