Whats your favorite?


New member
What is your favorite to drink beer, wine, or liquor? Mine is beer the liquor gets me gone to quick and the wine well do not like fruity things :)
Bear thats a new one too me ;)

I actually perfer Cider (Blackthorn, Natch, Cheder Valley) :D

I'll also drink Certain Beer & Lager but not much and I prefer White Wine to drink and when I cook I tend to use Red Wine alot.
I think beer goes well because it is "drinkable". You can't drink wine with the bottle, unless you plan on getting really drunk. :) But beer, you can have a bottle or two and be just fine. And with the weather the way it is right now in Michigan (HOT!!) it can cool you down for a moment.
I don't mind beer, but it's not my favourite. Wine is pretty good, champagne :D Also, different types of Liquor isn't too bad either. In the end though, I'd rather have a small glass of wine :)
Alcohol without something to eat doesn't really attract me. And then, you can't drink anything with any kind of food. So, basically, I drink whatever fits with the dish.

Out of the 3 that were mentioned, I mostly drink beer. That doesn't mean I necessarily like it the most though. Wines and liquors can be pretty varied in taste and aroma, unlike beer, so they have their advantages.
The poll is flawed in a way.
If I'm at a bar playing trivia then beer is my favorite.
If I'm at a good restaurant then wine is my favorite.
If I'm at home after work I probably go for the liquor.

It's all relative.
I had to put beer seen as lager is not up there.

I also prefer cider, i like peach or strawberry cider more than apple cider though. Too many bad memories of getting drunk on apple cider as a teen haha.

I am a sucker for Jack Daniels though...
I prefer a wine. . Even if it is an alcohol drink but still there an advantage of it compared to other liquor. . It is good or your heart-the wine. .

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