When opting for a DirtectAdmin Control Panel


New member
Hi all!!

When opting for a DirectAdmin Control Panel, I noticed what is Installed when the DirectAdmin team does it as per their site.

As posted:


"Installing DirectAdmin:* How is it done?


We will install DirectAdmin for you at no cost (free installs may not be included with bulk purchases).* If you prefer to install DirectAdmin yourself, please refer to the DirectAdmin Installation Guide.


What Gets Installed?


DirectAdmin Control Panel Software
Apache 1.3, 2.0, 2.2 Web Server
FrontPage Microsoft FrontPage™ Extensions (apache 1.3 only, will not work with 64-bit OS)
Php 4.4 and/or 5.2 Php Scripting Language (CLI, or suPhp(cgi))
PhpMyAdmin MySQL Database Manager
MySQL 4.1/5.0 MySQL Databases
Exim 4 Exim Mail Manager
Majordomo 1.94.5 Majordomo Mailing List Manager
vm-pop3d 1.1.7f POP3 Mail Manager
WU-IMAP Imap daemon (with virtual pop modifications)
Dovecot Install option to replace vm-pop3d/wu-imapd. Uses Maildir instead of mbox
Proftpd 1.3 FTP Server

Note the versions installed varies per OS version. For more recent versions, always use the newest OS version."

END Quote:

My question is this normal procedure for hosting companies that offer DirectAdmin?

What can I expect?

Kind Regards!
Not sure what you're asking...

For what kind of hosting?
We use DA for the reseller accounts - but it's not installed per reseller. It's at the server level.

For VPS? We offer it as an option. And we'll license and install it for you - you pay us and don't need to worry about others.

Though DA on a blank server is pretty easy. It really only gets messy if you have other packages that interfere already installed. So a base OS install is all that's recommended, then you run the DA installer. After that the core is there. You should configure things out and harden the server.

Does that answer your question?
Hi thanks!

For a stand-alone server.

When a host says it will install if requested, are they doing it or passing it on to DirectAdmin?

And if they do it, are they following the stated protocol that is outlined at DirectAdmin; where it includes that whole list as posted on DirectAdmin's site all upon top a clean OS install of course?

Many thanks.

You see I am interested in the whole LAMP with DirectAdmin.
yes thanks, I have and so far no answers.

I will probably opt for a path where I do everything possible myself.