When will Google release an OS?


New member
Google has branched out from being a search engine, and now provides gmail and gtalk as well as loads of other programs. Do you think they will try releasing an OS? I think it would be great if they did, since like all Google's products it would be easy to use and have nice features, and would help stop Microsofts monopoly. What do you guys think?
I think google will aim for web based OS - ie you log onto their website to do your typing, emailing, spreasheets etc ...
That would put a huge strain on the Internet, and be a problem for people who have bandwidth limits. Personally, I wouldn't use it if they did that, since it would give Google to much power- having x billion peoples data on their datacenters (or the ability to have it, whether legally or illegally)
That would put a huge strain on the Internet, and be a problem for people who have bandwidth limits. Personally, I wouldn't use it if they did that, since it would give Google to much power- having x billion peoples data on their datacenters (or the ability to have it, whether legally or illegally)
there are companies that already do this java based I beleive - and the data stays on the client pc .. its a way of not needing to purchase MS office, install etc... you simply logon to any internet enabled pc and start working.

I suppose the monthly fee for use of the software etc would be an incentive ... not so keen on it myself, but theres def a makret for it .
don't think Google will release a OS...at least not now, no sense why it should do so when the market is so tight now.
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see Google attempt an OS to compete with Microsoft!

If they developed one that was friendly to use and "open" with their coding they may very well surpass Microsoft as the leader after time.

I don't know why, maybe it's their corporate culture or something but I have always loved Google and their products. Afterall what's cooler that Google Earth? :)
Google manipulates it's users too. Don't be fooled. I love most of Google's work and am looking forward to a google debit card to enhance my Google cart service.

Eventually I hope to depend on Google for many things.

PayPal BE GONE! :)
I'm not sure if Google will release an OS not. I think they're more towards web related things such as payment processing, domain registration, and hosting.


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